
时间:2017-06-13 12:20:51

标签: javascript jquery css

当我向左或向右滑动内容时,我需要自动滚动菜单,例如。 当我向右滑动并进入第5个面板滑动时,导航应跳转到或滚动到第5个菜单,但现在它停留或显示在菜单1或仅显示最后一个菜单。

我的期望是像这样创造。 https://js.devexpress.com/Demos/WidgetsGallery/Demo/Pivot/Overview/jQuery/iOS/


  1. 如果我将菜单(所选菜单)左侧或中间侧对齐,则它应始终位于屏幕的初始加载位置的左侧或中间侧对齐,当我滑动幻灯片内容时,菜单应该保留或中心对齐,例如。以上链接devexpress

  2. 翻译内容时,例如。第5个面板幻灯片,然后菜单应该相对于它滚动

  3. 我在这里尝试的是Jquery代码html for reference

       $.fn.scrollpane = function(options) {
        options = $.extend({
            direction: "horizontal",
            deadzone: 25,
            useTransition: false,
            desktop: true,
            setupCss: true,
            onscroll: function(pos, page, duration) {},
            onscrollfinish: function(pos, page) {}
        }, options);
        var isTouch = "ontouchend" in document || !options.desktop,
            onTouchstart = isTouch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown",
            onTouchmove = isTouch ? "touchmove" : "mousemove",
            onTouchend = isTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseup";
        return this.each(function() {
            // the scroll pane viewport
            var outerElem = $(this);
            // a large div containing the scrolling content
            var innerElem = $("<div></div>");
            // cache these for later
            var outerWidth = outerElem.width();
            var outerHeight = outerElem.height();
            // boolean
            var horizontal = (options.direction === "horizontal");
            // the number of pixels the user has to drag and release to trigger a page transition
            // natural
            var deadzone = Math.max(0, options.deadzone);
            // the index of the current page. changed after the user completes each scrolling gesture.
            // integer
            var currentPage = 0;
            // width of a page
            // integer
            var scrollUnit = horizontal ? outerWidth : outerHeight;
            // x coordinate on the transform. -ve numbers go to the right,
            // so this goes -ve as currentPage goes +ve
            // integer (pixels)
            var currentPos = 0;
            // min and max scroll position:
            // integer (pixels)
            var scrollMax = 0;
            var scrollMin = -scrollUnit * (innerElem.children().length - 1);
            // time to settle after touched:
            // natural (ms)
            var settleTime = 200;
            // dragMid and dragEnd are updated each frame of dragging:
            // integer (pixels)
            var dragStart = 0; // touch position when dragging starts
            var dragMid = 0; // touch position on the last touchmove event
            var dragEnd = 0; // touch position on this touchmove event
            // +1 if dragging in +ve x direction, -1 if dragging in -ve x direction
            // U(-1, +1)
            var dragDir = 0;
            if (options.setupCss) {
                    position: "relative",
                    overflow: "hidden"
                // position the pages:
                innerElem.children().each(function(index) {
                        position: "absolute",
                        display: "block",
                        width: outerWidth,
                        height: outerHeight
                    }).css(horizontal ? "left" : "top", scrollUnit * index);
            // natural natural boolean -> void
            function scrollTo(position, duration, finish) {
                var parameters = {};
                parameters[(horizontal ? 'marginLeft' : 'marginTop')] = position;
                options.onscroll(position, -position / scrollUnit, duration);
                if (options.useTransition) {
                        transition: "none",
                        transform: horizontal ? ("translate3d(" + position + "px, 0, 0)") : ("translate3d(0, " + position + "px, 0)")
                if (finish) {
                    if (!options.useTransition) {
                        innerElem.find('li').animate(parameters, duration);
                    } else {
                            transition: "all " + (duration === 0 ? "0" : duration + "ms")
                    setTimeout(function() {
                        options.onscrollfinish(position, -position / scrollUnit, duration);
                } else if (!options.useTransition) {
            // Immediately set the 3D transform on the scroll pane.
            // This causes Safari to create OpenGL resources to manage the animation.
            // This sometimes causes a brief flicker, so best to do it at page load
            // rather than waiting until the user starts to drag.
            scrollTo(0, 0, true);
            // bind the touch drag events:
            outerElem.on(onTouchstart, function(e) {
                e = isTouch ? e.originalEvent.touches[0] || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0] : e;
                dragStart = dragEnd = dragMid = horizontal ? e.pageX : e.pageY;
                // bind the touch drag event:
                $(this).on(onTouchmove, function(e) {
                    e = isTouch ? e.originalEvent.touches[0] || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0] : e;
                    dragEnd = horizontal ? e.pageX : e.pageY;
                    dragDir = (dragEnd - dragMid) > 0 ? 1 : -1;
                    currentPos += dragEnd - dragMid;
                    dragMid = dragEnd;
                    scrollTo(currentPos, 0, false);
                // bind the touch end event
            }).on(onTouchend, function(e) {
                // boolean
                var reset = Math.abs(dragEnd - dragStart) < deadzone;
                // real
                var scrollPage = -1.0 * currentPos / scrollUnit;
                // natural
                var nextPage = reset ? currentPage : (dragDir < 0 ? Math.ceil(scrollPage) : Math.floor(scrollPage));
                // int
                var nextPos = Math.max(scrollMin, Math.min(scrollMax, -scrollUnit * nextPage));
                currentPos = nextPos;
                currentPage = nextPage;
                scrollTo(nextPos, settleTime, true);
            // set up the menu callback:
            outerElem.data("showpage", function(page) {
                // int
                page = page < 0 ? innerElem.children().length + page : page;
                currentPos = Math.max(scrollMin, Math.min(scrollMax, -page * scrollUnit));
                currentPage = -currentPos / scrollUnit;
                scrollTo(currentPos, settleTime, true);
    // Once you've initialized a scrollpane with $().scrollpane(),
    // you can use this method to cause it to programmatically scroll
    // to a particular page. Useful for creating a navigation menu, or
    // those little dots on Apple-store-style product galleries.
    // Pages are indexed from 0 upwards. Negative numbers can be used
    // to index pages from the right.
    // int -> jQuery
    $.fn.showpage = function(index) {
        var fn = this.data("showpage");
        return this;
    $(document).bind("touchmove", function() {
        return false;
    $(function() {
            // onscroll: function(pos, page, duration) {
            //     $("#pos").text(pos);
            //     $("#page").text(page);
            //     $("#snapping").text("no");
            // },
            onscrollfinish: function(pos, page) {
                $("ul.pager li").removeClass("active")
                $("ul.pager li:nth-child("+(page+1)+")").addClass("active");
        $("ul.pager li").click(function() {
            var index = $(this).index();
            $("ul.pager li").removeClass("active")
        // $("input").click(function() {
        //     alert(this.value);
        // });

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