How to achieve gated check-in for GitLab Repository?

时间:2017-06-12 17:06:18

标签: gitlab pre-commit-hook gated-checkin

My requirement is whenever developer try to do check-in existing GitLab repository then before doing check-in in repository,build should trigger (Jenkins build) and Junit test case should run on new check-in and if passes then it should go forward and will allow developer to do check-in in main repository.

I am not sure but is pre-hook commit can achieve this requirement?

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您可以通过运行基于分支的工作流程来实现这一目标,有多种可供选择 - 我建议您阅读此guidance by Atlassian


在GitLab上,您可以设置webhook以在发生推送事件时触发Jenkins构建。我建议this guide to guide you through it


此外,您对Git的理解似乎不正确 - 签入不是Git中使用的术语。请查看Git文档。在Git中,开发人员针对存储库的本地副本创建提交,然后将这些提交推送到远程存储库(GitLab / GitHub等)。在各种集中式版本控制系统中没有直接等效的“登记”,例如SVN。
