Variable arity functions in Racket/C FFI

时间:2017-06-12 16:58:58

标签: c racket ffi

Declaring functions with Racket's FFI is simple enough to do with _fun and define-ffi-definer. (A tutorial can be found on the PRL blog) For example, I can make a binding for atoi:

#lang racket
(require ffi/unsafe
(define-ffi-definer define-libc #f)
(define-libc atoi (_fun _string -> _int))

And now I can call atoi with Racket strings:

> (atoi "5")

The problem now is, how do I call C functions with a variable arity, such as printf, who's signature is:

int printf(const char *format, ...);

I would guess that (since the linking happens dynamically), the Racket code should have a 'rest' argument at the end, which takes an array (pointer) for the rest of the arguments, that is either null terminated or (more likely), indicated by yet another argument. However, I can't think of any good ways to test this.

So, how do you handle variable arity functions with the Racket-C FFI?

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(provide c-printf)

(define interfaces (make-hash))

(define (c-printf fmt . args)
  (define itypes
    (cons _string
          (map (lambda (x)
                 (cond [(and (integer? x) (exact? x)) _int]
                       [(and (number? x) (real? x))   _double*]
                       [(string? x)  _string]
                       [(bytes? x)   _bytes]
                       [(symbol? x)  _symbol]
                       [else (error 'c-printf
                                    "don't know how to deal with ~e" x)]))
  (let ([printf (hash-ref interfaces itypes
                  (lambda ()
                    ;; Note: throws away the return value of printf
                    (let ([i (get-ffi-obj "printf" #f
                                          (_cprocedure itypes _void))])
                      (hash-set! interfaces itypes i)
    (apply printf fmt args)))