Can't get to any info from Lotus Notes using VBA

时间:2017-06-12 16:58:55

标签: excel-vba lotus-notes vba excel

Thanks in advance for any help!

I'm ultimately trying to pull information from specific emails based on subject line. Working up to the problem the below code was a test to pull up a subject line. However it runs through 132 documents without a single subject identified as anything other than blank. Using this same Initialize and GetDatabase method I successfully sent emails through Lotus Notes, so I don't think I'm after the wrong docs somehow. Below code written in VBA through Excel have Lotus Notes 8.5

Anyone see a reason why I would get nothing but blanks going through all of the docs in the Notes Database?

Sub LotusGetView()

Dim Nsess As New NotesSession
Dim Ndb As NotesDatabase
Dim Ndocs As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim Ndoc As NotesDocument, docNext As NotesDocument
Dim c As Long
Dim memSubj As Variant

Set Ndb = Nsess.GetDatabase("", "names.nsf")

Set Ndocs = Ndb.AllDocuments

c = 1

Set Ndoc = Ndocs.GetFirstDocument
Do Until Ndoc Is Nothing Or c = 1000
    Set docNext = Ndocs.GetNextDocument(Ndoc)

    memSubj = Ndoc.GetItemValue("Subject")(0)

    If memSubj <> "" Then

        MsgBox memSubj

    End If

    Call Ndoc.Remove(True)

    Set Ndoc = docNext

    c = c + 1

MsgBox c

End Sub

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Set Ndb = Nsess.GetDatabase("", "names.nsf")

