。 somefunction
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStr$ (\ (a,b) -> a ++ "\ninteger: " ++ (show b) ++ "\n" ) (somefunction args)
module Interpreter (debugbrainflak) where
pop :: (Integral a) => [a] -> a
pop [] = 0
pop (x:_) = x
rest :: (Integral a) => [a] -> [a]
rest [] = []
rest (_:x) = x
topadd :: [Integer] -> Integer -> [Integer]
topadd [] x = [x]
topadd (a:[]) x = [a+x]
topadd (a:b) x = (a+x):b
ir :: [Char] -> Integer -> [Char]
ir x 0 = ""
ir ('{':x) y = "{" ++ (ir x (y+1))
ir ('}':x) y = "}" ++ (ir x (y-1))
ir (a:x) y = [a] ++ (ir x y )
interior :: [Char] -> [Char]
interior x = init (ir x 1)
ex :: [Char] -> Integer -> [Char]
ex x 0 = x
ex ('{':x) y = ex x (y+1)
ex ('}':x) y = ex x (y-1)
ex (a:x) y = ex x y
exterior :: [Char] -> [Char]
exterior x = ex x 1
dbf :: [Char] -> ([Integer],[Integer],[Integer],Int) -> ([Integer],[Integer],[Integer],Int)
dbf [] (x,y,z,c)= (x,y,z,c)
dbf ('(':')':a) (x,y,z,c)= dbf a (x,y,((pop z+1):rest z),c+1)
dbf ('<':'>':a) (x,y,z,c)= dbf a (y,x,z,c+1)
dbf ('{':'}':a) (x,y,z,c)= dbf a ((rest x),y,(topadd z (pop x)),c+1)
dbf ('[':']':a) (x,y,z,c)= dbf a (x,y,(topadd z (toInteger (length x))),c+1)
dbf ('(':a) (x,y,z,c)= dbf a (x,y,(0:z),c+1)
dbf ('<':a) (x,y,z,c)= dbf a (x,y,(0:z),c+1)
dbf ('[':a) (x,y,z,c)= dbf a (x,y,(0:z),c+1)
dbf (')':a) (x,y,(h:z),c)= dbf a ((h:x),y,(topadd z h),c+1)
dbf (']':a) (x,y,(h:z),c)= dbf a (x,y,(topadd z (-h)),c+1)
dbf ('>':a) (x,y,(_:z),c)= dbf a (x,y,z,c+1)
dbf ('{':a) t = dbf (exterior a) (drun (interior a) t)
dbf (_:a) t = dbf a t
drun :: [Char] -> ([Integer],[Integer],[Integer],Int) -> ([Integer],[Integer],[Integer],Int)
drun s ([],y,z,c) = ([],y,z,c)
drun s (0:x,y,z,c) = (0:x,y,z,c)
drun s x = drun s (dbf s x)
bl :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Bool
bl [] [] = True
bl [] _ = False
bl ('(':x) y = bl x (')':y)
bl ('[':x) y = bl x (']':y)
bl ('<':x) y = bl x ('>':y)
bl ('{':x) y = bl x ('}':y)
bl (a:x) []
| elem a ")]>}" = False
| otherwise = bl x []
bl (a:x) (b:y)
| elem a ")]>}" = (a == b) && (bl x y)
| otherwise = bl x (b:y)
balanced :: [Char] -> Bool
balanced x = bl x []
clean :: [Char] -> [Char]
clean [] = []
clean ('#':'{':xs) = clean (exterior xs)
clean (x:xs)
| elem x "()[]<>{}" = x:(clean xs)
| otherwise = clean xs
debugbrainflak :: [Char] -> [Integer] -> ([Integer], Int)
debugbrainflak s x
| balanced s = (\(a,_,_,d) -> (a,d)) (dbf (clean s) (x,[],[],0))
| otherwise = error "Unbalanced braces."
debugbrainflak "({({}[()])}{})" [999999]
答案 0 :(得分:3)
slow1 :: Args -> String
slow2 :: Args -> Int
somefunction :: Args -> (String, Int)
somefunction args = (slow1 args, slow2 args)
然后GHC将首先强制slow1 args
,打印出来,打印出"\ninteger: "
,然后强制slow2 args
它,打印出来。 (然后打印尾随的"\n"
main :: IO ()
main =
let (a,b) = somefunction args
in putStr $ a `seq` b `seq` (a ++ "\ninteger: " ++ show b ++ "\n")
此处x `seq` y
会强制 x
。这意味着a `seq` b `seq` ...
的此代码应该一次打印出所有内容 - 但它可能会等待您的旧代码所做的一切,只是在所有前面而不是在打印a
¹Haskell报告没有详细说明有关评估的详细信息,所以我将在这个答案中谈论GHC特别做了什么 - 这通常是人们正在寻找的。 p>
答案 1 :(得分:2)
Not a direct answer, but a bit more about what's going on here: It looks like your c
parameter in dbf
is not being forced, which means that it's building up as a big thunk like 1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(1+(...
and only actually doing the addition when you show it, which takes time if it's large. The way through this is to make sure that c
gets evaluated at each recursive step of dbf
With the way you have written it this could be a little awkward. One way would be to add as the first equation of dbf
dbf _ (_,_,_,c) | c `seq` False = undefined
which feels like a bit of a hack, but allows you to experiment without changing every line of your interpreter.
In the long run I'd probably define a data type for the state instead of a tuple, and make it a strict field:
data InterpState = InterpState {
stack1 :: [Integer],
stack2 :: [Integer],
stack3 :: [Integer],
instrCount :: !Int