' This function adds a column to an existing table if the table does not already has the function, or updates the table with the new values as needed
Public Function AddAssocStds(objSheet As Worksheet) As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim rowHeader As Integer
Dim CombDes As Integer
Dim AssocStd As Integer
Dim SAP As Variant
Dim Stockcode As Variant
Dim Mincom As Variant
Dim WriteAssocStd As String
' Defines my header row
rowHeader = 1
' A specific row to look up in an existing table
CombDes = -1
' This is the write row
AssocStd = -1
i = 1
' Speeding up the run, speed play
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Registers the columns in the sheet correctly first
For i = 1 To objSheet.Cells(rowHeader, objSheet.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Select Case Cells(rowHeader, i).value
Case "CombinedDescription"
CombDes = i
Case "AssocStds"
AssocStd = i
Case "SAP"
SAP = objSheet.Range(objSheet.Cells(rowHeader + 1, i), objSheet.Cells(objSheet.UsedRange.Count, i)).value
Case "Stockcode"
Stockcode = objSheet.Range(objSheet.Cells(rowHeader + 1, i), objSheet.Cells(objSheet.UsedRange.Count, i)).value
Case "Mincom"
Mincom = objSheet.Range(objSheet.Cells(rowHeader + 1, i), objSheet.Cells(objSheet.UsedRange.Count, i)).value
End Select
' Determines which column to write to - either inserts after combdes column or make a new column
If AssocStd = -1 Then
If CombDes = -1 Then
AssocStd = objSheet.Cells(rowHeader, objSheet.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column + 1
objSheet.Range(Cells(1, CombDes + 1), Cells(1, CombDes + 1)).EntireColumn.Insert
AssocStd = CombDes + 1
End If
End If
' Writes the header for the new column
objSheet.Cells(rowHeader, AssocStd).value = "AssocStds"
' Resets the counter
i = 1
' Loops throught the entire column
For i = 1 To objSheet.UsedRange.Count - rowHeader
If NotNull(CStr(SAP(i, 1))) Then
WriteAssocStd = AssocStdsGen(CStr(SAP(i, 1)))
WriteAssocStd = "-1"
End If
If WriteAssocStd = "-1" And NotNull(CStr(Stockcode(i, 1))) Then
WriteAssocStd = AssocStdsGen(CStr(Stockcode(i, 1)))
WriteAssocStd = "-1"
End If
If WriteAssocStd = "-1" And NotNull(CStr(Mincom(i, 1))) Then
WriteAssocStd = AssocStdsGen(CStr(Mincom(i, 1)))
WriteAssocStd = "-1"
End If
' This is where the problem happens, when writing as a formula, it doesn't work...
If WriteAssocStd = "-1" Then
objSheet.Cells(i + rowHeader, AssocStd).Formula = "=IF(UPPER([@Standard RR]) <> " & Chr(34) & "NON-STD" & Chr(34) & ", [@Standard RR] &" & Chr(34) & "-" & Chr(34) & "&[@PlanNo] & " & Chr(34) & "." & Chr(34) & "& TEXT([@SheetNo], " & Chr(34) & "00" & Chr(34) & "), [@Standard RR])"
objSheet.Cells(i + rowHeader, AssocStd).value = WriteAssocStd
End If
AddAssocStds = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Function