
时间:2017-06-09 08:42:03

标签: sql sql-server tsql stored-procedures subtraction

我有2个表(每个表有两个相同的结构) 我用波纹管代码得到两个表的总和。 现在我想查找上个月的记录总和和当月的总和,并比较它们。 如果前一个月的总和大于当前月份的总和,则选择。如果没有,则不选择

Table 1                                        Table 2<br>
StudentId=1  Score=50 Date =2017/01/01      StudentId= 1 Score=100 Date =2017/01/01<br>
StudentId=1  Score=20 Date =2017/02/01      StudentId= 1 Score=10 Date =2017/02/01<br>
StudentId=2  Score=60 Date =2017/01/01      StudentId= 2 Score=100 Date =2017/01/01<br>
StudentId=2  Score=540 Date =2017/02/01     StudentId= 2 Score=100 Date =2017/02/01<br>


StudentId       HighScoreUser<br>
1               180<br>
2               800<br>


StudentId   Prev Month(2017/01/01)  Current Month(2017/02/01)<br>
1           150                     30<br>
2           160                     640<br>

1 - &gt; 150> 30 - &gt;真的吗? - &GT;是的,所以必须选择

2 - &gt; 160> 640 - &gt;是吗? - &GT;不,所以一定不能选择

结果(选定值)= StudentId,(Sum prev Month - Sum Current Month)

<br>`CREATE PROCEDURE SelectTopMonth
    @Date1  NVARCHAR(12),
    @Date2  NVARCHAR(12)
    SELECT StudentId, ISNULL(SUM(Score),0) As HighScoreUser
FROM (SELECT StudentId, Score FROM tbl_ActPoint     WHERE Date >= @Date1    AND     Date <= @Date2
      SELECT StudentId, Score FROM tbl_EvaPoint     WHERE Date >= @Date1    AND     Date <= @Date2
     ) as T 
GROUP BY  StudentId ORDER BY HighScoreUser DESC

enter image description here

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Select StudentId, [2017/01/01] as [Prev Month(2017/01/01)],
                  [2017/02/01] as [Current Month(2017/02/01)] from (
    Select * from t1
    Union all
    Select * from t2
    ) a
    pivot (sum([Score]) for [Date] in ([2017/01/01],[2017/02/01]) ) p
    Where [2017/01/01] > [2017/02/01]

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您可以使用SQL Server的主要分析功能来获得结果。

<强> TABLE1

create table table1 
  studentid integer,
  score integer,
  date date

insert into table1 values(1,50,'2017/01/01'); 
insert into table1 values(1,20,'2017/02/01');
insert into table1 values(2,60,'2017/01/01');
insert into table1 values(2,540,'2017/02/01');  

<强> TABLE2

create table table2
  studentid integer,
  score integer,
  date date
insert into table2 values(1,100,'2017/01/01'); 
insert into table2 values(1,10,'2017/02/01');
insert into table2 values(2,100,'2017/01/01');
insert into table2 values(2,100,'2017/02/01');  


with data  as (
select table1.studentid , (table1.score + table2.score) as pre_score, table1.date,
lead((table1.score + table2.score),1) over(partition by table1.studentid order by table1.studentid,table1.date) 
as cur_score
from table1 join table2 
on table1.studentid = table2.studentid 
and table1.date = table2.date
select * from data
where cur_score is not null 
and pre_score > cur_score

根据您的评论添加此条件&#34;和pre_score&gt; cur_score&#34 ;.