我有一堆标签,这些标签是包含内容" http://WEBSITE.com"的网址标记。让我们说WEBSITE是youtube所以http://youtube.com。当我在Android等上扫描它们时,它会保留http或https。
我尝试使用Core NFC框架扫描这些相同的标签。我扫描它们,我得到一堆字节,我使用NSSString initWithData和UTF8编码转换。我回来了\ ^ Cyoutube.com。我想得到http://youtube.com。
我对纯文本记录的以下答案代码有疑问。为" hello world"制作文本记录时我从控制台获得以下输出:
2017-06-09 12:45:35.151806-0400 testNFC [2963:190724]有效负载字符串: https://www.enhello世界
2017-06-09 12:45:35.154959-0400 testNFC [2963:190724]有效载荷数据:< 02656e68 656c6c6f 20776f72 6c64>
NSString * nfcMessage = [nfcType stringByAppendingString:[[[NSString alloc] initWithData:payload.payload encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] substringFromIndex:1]];
答案 0 :(得分:4)
为此,您首先需要确保已正确格式化NDEF标记。您可以使用Android手机或these reader accessories以及an NDEF writing app之一。
- (NSString *)getType:(NSData *)NDEFData {
NSString *firstByte = [self getFirstByte:NDEFData];
if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"00"]) {
return @"None";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"01"]) {
return @"http://www.";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"02"]) {
return @"https://www.";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"03"]) {
return @"http://";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"04"]) {
return @"https://";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"05"]) {
return @"tel:";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"06"]) {
return @"mailto:";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"07"]) {
return @"ftp://anonymous:anonymous@";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"08"]) {
return @"ftp://ftp.";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"09"]) {
return @"ftps://";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"0A"]) {
return @"sftp://";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"0B"]) {
return @"smb://";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"0C"]) {
return @"nfs://";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"0D"]) {
return @"ftp://";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"0E"]) {
return @"dav://";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"0F"]) {
return @"news:";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"10"]) {
return @"telnet://";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"11"]) {
return @"imap:";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"12"]) {
return @"rtsp://";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"13"]) {
return @"urn:";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"14"]) {
return @"pop:";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"15"]) {
return @"sip:";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"16"]) {
return @"sips:";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"17"]) {
return @"tftp:";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"18"]) {
return @"btspp://";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"19"]) {
return @"btl2cap://";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"1A"]) {
return @"btgoep://";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"1B"]) {
return @"tcpobex://";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"1C"]) {
return @"irdaobex://";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"1D"]) {
return @"file://";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"1E"]) {
return @"urn:epc:id:";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"1F"]) {
return @"urn:epc:tag:";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"20"]) {
return @"urn:epc:pat:";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"21"]) {
return @"urn:epc:raw:";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"22"]) {
return @"urn:epc:";
} else if ([firstByte isEqualToString:@"23"]) {
return @"urn:nfc:";
return @"";
* gets the the NDEF content
- (NSString *)getNDEFContent:(NSData *)data {
NSString *dataString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
return [dataString substringFromIndex:2];
* gets the first byte of the input NSData
- (NSString *)getFirstByte:(NSData *)data {
return [[self dataToHexString:data] substringToIndex:2];
* transforms NSData to NSString
- (NSString *)dataToHexString:(NSData *)data;
// get the length of the data
NSUInteger bytesCount = data.length;
if (bytesCount) {
// string with all the Hex characters
const char *hexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF";
// put bytes into an array and initialize the response array
const unsigned char *dataBuffer = data.bytes;
char *chars = malloc(sizeof(char) * (bytesCount * 2 + 1));
char *s = chars;
// go through data bytes making the transformations so a hex will literally translate to a string, so for example 0x0A will translate to "0A"
for (unsigned i = 0; i < bytesCount; ++i) {
// get hexChars character at binary AND between the current byte and 0xF0 bitwise to the right by 4 index and assign it to the current chars pointer
*s++ = hexChars[((*dataBuffer & 0xF0) >> 4)];
// get hexChars character at binary AND between the current byte and 0x0F index and assign it to the current chars pointer
*s++ = hexChars[(*dataBuffer & 0x0F)];
*s = '\0';
// chars to string
NSString *hexString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:chars];
return hexString;
return @"";
[self getType:yourNDEFPayloadNSData]
答案 1 :(得分:2)
NFC NDEF消息有效负载比您预期的要复杂得多。但CoreNFC不支持解析NFC NDEF消息有效负载。我创建了一个开源解析器VYNFCKit来解析有效负载。 Objective-C和Swift都提供了示例项目。查看我的教程https://medium.com/@vinceyuan/reading-and-parsing-nfc-tag-on-ios-11-60f4bc7a11ea
答案 2 :(得分:0)
关于你的EDIT1: 您使用的是错误的记录类型。 您需要编写“文本记录”,而不是“URI记录”。 如果您手头有Android手机,可以使用“NFC的NFC标签”等工具来编写正确的记录。 它可能对您的用例并不重要,但可以考虑与Android手机的互操作性。其他应用。他们会尝试打开“https://www.enhello世界”,而不是使用EN编码作为文本字符串显示“Hello World”。