public class DataBase
public int NumberOfFilesBackedUp { set; get; } = 0;
public class DataBaseItem // I tried struct too, but also no-go
public DateTime timeStamp { set; get; }
public string src { set; get; }
public string dst { set; get; }
public int type { set; get; }
public IntPtr pid { set; get; }
public List<DataBaseItem> BackupList { set; get; }
public DataBase()
BackupList = new List<DataBaseItem>();
public partial class App : Application
public static DataBase DBObj; // declaring the object
public App()
// Create/Load DB-Object
private void CreateLoadDB()
DBObj = Pickler.ReadFromBinaryFile<DataBase>(DBObjFile);
catch (FileNotFoundException)
DBObj = new DataBase(); // instantiated, in debugging the code always comes here, as I don't yet have a serialized save file for any past objects
private void BackupManager_BackupEvent(string SrcPath, string DstPath, int Deleted, IntPtr Pid)
var DBItem = new DataBase.DataBaseItem(){ timeStamp = timestamp, src = SrcPath, dst = DstPath, type = Deleted, pid = Pid};
DBObj.BackupList.Add(DBItem); // This throws the error...
我不认为这是重复的,我知道Null Reference Exceptions是什么 - 我试图理解为什么我在这里得到它,因为我之前清楚地实例化了这个对象。