
时间:2017-06-08 15:09:08

标签: python arrays numpy vectorization numpy-broadcasting


Cloud cross section




# 3d array representing cloud water at a particular timestep t
qc = QC(t)

# get the coordinates where there is cloud
cloud_coords = argwhere( qc > qc_thresh )

# Arrays to hold the z values of cloud base (cb) and cloud top (ct)
zcb = zeros((nx,ny))
zct = zeros((nx,ny))

# Since each coordinate (x,y) will in general have multiple z values
# for cloud I have to loop over all (x,y) and
# pull out max and min height for each point (x,y)
for x in range(nx):
    # Pull out all the coordinates with a given x value
    xslice = cloud_coords[ where(cloud_coords[:,0] == x) ]

    for y in range(ny):       
        # for the given x value select a particular y value
        column = xslice[ where(xslice[:,1] == y) ]

            zcb[x,y] = min( column[:,2] )
            zct[x,y] = max( column[:,2] )
            # Because there may not be any cloud at all
            # (a "hole") we fill the array with an average value
            zcb[x,y] = mean(zcb[zcb.nonzero()])
            zct[x,y] = mean(zct[zct.nonzero()])

# Because I intend to use these as indices I need them to be ints
zcb = array(zcb, dtype='int')
zct = array(zct, dtype='int')


Cloud base height


wind = W(t)
j,i = meshgrid(arange(ny),arange(nx))
wind_base = wind[i,j,zcb]


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

你怀疑numpy可以很好地利用你的问题是正确的。实际上,您正在进行多种低效工作,例如最后使用np.array()显式创建新数组,以及dtype int import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # generate dummy data qc_thresh = 0.6 nx,ny,nz = 400,400,100 qc = np.zeros((nx,ny,nz)) # insert random cloud layer qc[...,50:80] = np.random.rand(nx,ny,30) # insert holes in clouds for completeness qc[np.random.randint(nx,size=2*nx),np.random.randint(ny,size=2*nx),:] = 0 def compute_cloud_boundaries(): cloud_arr = qc > qc_thresh # find boundaries by making use of np.argmax returning first maximum zcb = np.argmax(cloud_arr,axis=-1) zct = nz - 1 - np.argmax(cloud_arr[...,::-1],axis=-1) # logical (nx,ny)-shaped array where there's a cloud cloud_inds = (zcb | (zct!=nz-1)).astype(bool) # this is short for `(zcb==0) | (zct!=nz-1)` # fill the rest with the mean zcb[np.logical_not(cloud_inds)] = zcb[cloud_inds].mean() zct[np.logical_not(cloud_inds)] = zct[cloud_inds].mean() return zcb,zct ,这是python中的复杂对象3。


cloud_arr = qc > qc_thresh

我针对你的方法检查了上面的内容(完成了相应的小例子),它给出了完全相同的结果。正如我所说,我的想法是np.argmax是一个逻辑数组,告诉我们湿度大到足以符合云的条件。然后我们沿着最后(高度)轴查看这个(基本上是二进制!)矩阵的最大值。调用argmax将告诉我们每个平面2d索引的第一个(最下面的)高度值。为了获得云端,我们需要反转我们的数组 并从另一方做同样的事情(注意转换回结果索引)。反转数组会创建视图而不是副本,因此这也很有效。最后,我们纠正没有云的点;代替更好的约束,我们检查400x400x100返回的最高索引对应于边缘点的位置。考虑到真实的天气数据,我们可以确定最底层和最顶层的测量与云相对应,因此这应该是一个安全的标准。


simulated result

上述In [24]: %timeit compute_cloud_boundaries() 10 loops, best of 3: 29.1 ms per loop In [25]: %timeit orig() # original loopy version from the question 1 loop, best of 3: 9.37 s per loop 案件的非代表性时间安排:



对于索引步骤,您可以通过使用开放网格作为索引并使用数组广播来节省一些内存。不必分配额外的wind = W(t) i,j = np.ogrid[:nx,:ny] wind_base = wind[i,j,zcb] 形状的阵列也可能加快这一步骤:


正如您所看到的,(nx,1)创建了一个形状(1,ny)meshgrid的开放网格,它们一起广播到等同于.SumoSelect{width: 200px;} 调用的内容。
