我正在尝试制作纸牌游戏,但是在actionPerformed方法中,arrayList存在问题,这是静态的。 arrayList旨在包含已被单击的卡,如果卡内有两个以上,则删除索引0处的卡。如果这样的移动是合法的,那么其中的两张牌都将被比较,并且较低索引处的牌将被移动到较高索引处的牌。但问题是,当第一张卡片被成功添加到arrayList时,当尝试向其添加秒时,arrayList突然显示为空。使用remove方法调用将System.out.println语句放入if语句,以查看是否以某种方式激活了这些语句,但是没有调用这些语句。如果调用add方法向其中添加一个卡并且没有调用remove方法(至少根据它们的测试方式),你是如何将arrayList显示为空的?
import java.applet.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Game extends JPanel implements ActionListener {
static ImageIcon Deck1, Temp1, ThreeS,
Ace1, Ace2, Ace3, Ace4,
KingH, KingS, KingC, KingD;
Image DeckImage;
static JButton A1, A2, A3, A4, KS, KH, KD, KC, D1, T1, TS;
static JButton column1;
static ArrayList<Card> deck;
static Card[] cardArray;
static Card[] temp;
static int count;
static JFrame frame;
static JPanel panel;
static Game ga;
static int c = 1;
static ArrayList<Card> numClicks;
static ArrayList<Card> col1;
static ArrayList<Card> col2;
static ArrayList<Card> col3;
static ArrayList<Card> col4;
static ArrayList<Card> col5;
static ArrayList<Card> col6;
static ArrayList<Card> col7;
static Card currentCard;
static double dragFromX, dragFromY;
public boolean canMove(Card a, Card b) {
if ((a.getValue() < b.getValue()) && (!a.getColor().equals(b.getColor()))) {
double x = b.getButton().getLocation().getX();
double y = b.getButton().getLocation().getY();
a.getButton().setBounds((int) x, (int) y + 50, 90, 100);
return true;
return false;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
// check which command has been sent
if (evt.getSource() == D1) {
count = 1;
numClicks = new ArrayList<Card>();
// checks to see if a certain card is clicked
if (evt.getSource() == KD) {
if (numClicks.size() == 0) {
// adds the card to index 0 in numClicks if it's the first click
} else if (numClicks.size() == 1) {
// adds the card to index 1 in numClicks if it's the second click
// checks to see if the card can be moved and moves it if possible
} else {
// if their is more than three cards,
// then the card in the first index is removed
// and this card is added as the second click
canMove(numClicks.get(0), numClicks.get(1));
if (evt.getSource() == TS) {
if (numClicks.size() == 0) {
} else if (numClicks.size() == 1) {
canMove(numClicks.get(0), numClicks.get(1));
} else {
canMove(numClicks.get(0), numClicks.get(1));