(* * Types (hashconsed) *)
(* ** Imports *)
open Abbrevs
open Util
(* ** Identifiers *)
module Lenvar : (module type of Id) = Id
module Tysym : (module type of Id) = Id
module Groupvar : (module type of Id) = Id
module Permvar : (module type of Id) = Id
(* ** Types and type nodes *)
type ty = {
ty_node : ty_node;
ty_tag : int
and ty_node =
| BS of Lenvar.id
| Bool
| G of Groupvar.id
| TySym of Tysym.id
| Fq
| Prod of ty list
| Int
(* ** Equality, hashing, and hash consing *)
let equal_ty : ty -> ty -> bool = (==)
let hash_ty t = t.ty_tag
let compare_ty t1 t2 = t1.ty_tag - t2.ty_tag
module Hsty = Hashcons.Make (struct
type t = ty
let equal t1 t2 =
match t1.ty_node, t2.ty_node with
| BS lv1, BS lv2 -> Lenvar.equal lv1 lv2
| Bool, Bool -> true
| G gv1, G gv2 -> Groupvar.equal gv1 gv2
| TySym ts1, TySym ts2 -> Tysym.equal ts1 ts2
| Fq, Fq -> true
| Prod ts1, Prod ts2 -> list_eq_for_all2 equal_ty ts1 ts2
| _ -> false
let hash t =
match t.ty_node with
| BS lv -> hcomb 1 (Lenvar.hash lv)
| Bool -> 2
| G gv -> hcomb 3 (Groupvar.hash gv)
| TySym gv -> hcomb 4 (Tysym.hash gv)
| Fq -> 5
| Prod ts -> hcomb_l hash_ty 6 ts
| Int -> 7
let tag n t = { t with ty_tag = n }
(** Create [Map], [Set], and [Hashtbl] modules for types. *)
module Ty = StructMake (struct
type t = ty
let tag = hash_ty
module Mty = Ty.M
module Sty = Ty.S
module Hty = Ty.H
(* ** Constructor functions *)
let mk_ty n = Hsty.hashcons {
ty_node = n;
ty_tag = (-1)
let mk_BS lv = mk_ty (BS lv)
let mk_G gv = mk_ty (G gv)
let mk_TySym ts = mk_ty (TySym ts)
let mk_Fq = mk_ty Fq
let mk_Bool = mk_ty Bool
let mk_Int = mk_ty Int
let mk_Prod tys =
match tys with
| [t] -> t
| _ -> mk_ty (Prod tys)
(* ** Indicator and destructor functions *)
let is_G ty = match ty.ty_node with
| G _ -> true
| _ -> false
let is_Fq ty = match ty.ty_node with
| Fq -> true
| _ -> false
let is_Prod ty = match ty.ty_node with
| Prod _ -> true
| _ -> false
let destr_G_exn ty =
match ty.ty_node with
| G gv -> gv
| _ -> raise Not_found
let destr_BS_exn ty =
match ty.ty_node with
| BS lv -> lv
| _ -> raise Not_found
let destr_Prod_exn ty =
match ty.ty_node with
| Prod ts -> ts
| _ -> raise Not_found
let destr_Prod ty =
match ty.ty_node with
| Prod ts -> Some ts
| _ -> None
(* ** Pretty printing *)
let pp_group fmt gv =
if Groupvar.name gv = ""
then F.fprintf fmt "G"
else F.fprintf fmt "G_%s" (Groupvar.name gv)
let rec pp_ty fmt ty =
match ty.ty_node with
| BS lv -> F.fprintf fmt "BS_%s" (Lenvar.name lv)
| Bool -> F.fprintf fmt "Bool"
| Fq -> F.fprintf fmt "Fq"
| TySym ts -> F.fprintf fmt "%s" (Tysym.name ts)
| Prod ts -> F.fprintf fmt "(%a)" (pp_list " * " pp_ty) ts
| Int -> F.fprintf fmt "Int"
| G gv ->
if Groupvar.name gv = ""
then F.fprintf fmt "G"
else F.fprintf fmt "G_%s" (Groupvar.name gv)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
你可以在这里阅读有关哈希的信息:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_consing(这就是我自己做的)。本质上,它是一种维持一组结构的规范表示的方式(在这种情况下,表示类型的结构),使得两个相等的结构(具有相同的组成部分)由相同的值表示。这允许对等式进行恒定时间比较。当你使用字符串执行此操作时,它被称为" interning" (来自Lisp的一种技术我曾经多次使用过。)
代表一件事。我也不知道" group"是的,但也许你以后可能会担心。
and ty_node =
| BS of Lenvar.id
| Bool
| G of Groupvar.id
| TySym of Tysym.id
| Fq
| Prod of ty list
| Int
and ty_node =
| BS of Lenvar.id
| Bool
| G of Groupvar.id
| TySym of Tysym.id
| Fq
| Prod of ty list
| Array of Lenvar.id * ty
| Int