How to show calendar on socket emit inside the page?

时间:2017-06-07 11:05:55

标签: flask fullcalendar jinja2 flask-socketio

I've created a small app in Flask that allows the users to book on the calendar .

I want just the subscribed user to make an appointment, if the current_user is not a subscriber , a message you get in place of the calendar that says 'you must be a subscriber to make a book', otherwise the calendar appears .

Am using SocketIO for live changing inside the DOM , in my views i've created two separated emits, the first one after the user subscribe and the second is if the user unsubscribed . If he subscribed the calendar should appear immediately and he can make the appointment if unsubscribed the calendar also should disappear the moment that the socket being sent .

Here is my for both subscribe and after unsubscribe :

@client_route.route('/client/cat-<dir_code>/subscribe/<int:worker_id>', methods=['POST'])
def subscribe_worker(worker_id):

    client = Client.query.filter_by(tele=session.get('client_phone') ,name=session.get('client_logged_in'), family=session.get('client_family')).first_or_404()

    worker = Worker.query.filter_by(id=worker_id).first_or_404()

    if not client.is_subscriber(
        client.in_chat = True
        socketio.emit('show_calendar', namespace='/notifications-{}-{}'.format(,
        return jsonify({'success': Thanks for subscription.'})

@client_route.route('/client/cat-<dir_code>/subscribe/<int:worker_id>', methods=['POST'])
def unsubscribe_worker(worker_id):

    client = Client.query.filter_by(tele=session.get('client_phone') ,name=session.get('client_logged_in'), family=session.get('client_family')).first_or_404()

    worker = Worker.query.filter_by(id=worker_id).first_or_404()

    if client.is_subscriber(
        client.in_chat = False
        socketio.emit('hide_calendar', namespace='/notifications-{}-{}'.format(,
        return jsonify({'success': Thanks for subscription.'})

Now inside my template, i've initialized socketio , here is the code :

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

  var socket = io.connect('http://' + document.domain + ':' + location.port + '/notifications-{{session.get("client_logged_in")}}-{{session.get("client_family")}}');

  socket.on('show_calendar', function(){
    alert('Now you can make a book .');
    $('#show_calendar').html('<div id="calendar"></div>');

  socket.on('hide_calendar', function(){
    console.log('Calendar will be disabled .');
      <div class="alert alert-warning alert-dismissible alert-disappear" role="alert">\
          You have to subscribe to make a book .\


Last thing the calendar block :

<div id="schedule" class="column_left wrap">
  <div class="header_block">
  <div id="show_calendar">
    {% if client.is_subscriber( %}
      <div id="calendar"></div>
    {% else %}
      <div class="alert alert-warning alert-dismissible alert-disappear" role="alert">
          You have to subscribe to make a book .
    {% endif %}

Now the problem is , if i subscribed , i can see inside the DOM the text that says You have to subscribe to make a book gets removed and the calendar div get placed but the calendar doesn't open i see just an empty white space, after page reloading it appears and i won't that , i want the calendar to appear immediately after i subscribe .

Please any help would be tons appreciated !!!


I think there should be a way to load another jquery code that initiate and run the fullcalendar with all events and appointments that made by another users !!

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