我正在编写一个Java包来与发电机表交互,我正在使用Guice进行DI。该软件包将客户端公开给其用户,如下所示 -
// External client
public class Client {
DataManager manager;
public static Client getClient() {
return Guice.createInjector(new MyModule()).getInstance(Client.class);
// Manager class to interact with dynamo
public class DataManager {
AmazonDynamoDb amazonDynamoDb;
DynamoDbMapper dynamoDbMapper;
@Time // IMPORTANT - This is AOP style metric recording which records the amount of time taken to do a particular operation
public void addRecord();
public void deleteRecord();
// Class that represents an entry in the table
public class Data {
我最终做的是这个(在模块本身上执行注入,将在客户端#getClient()方法中向Guice注册) -
public class InitializingModule extends AbstractModule {
* Perform injection on this instance so that the table initialization happens before any usable class is
* returned to the clients of this package.
protected void configure() {
* Configure dynamoDB to check for and initialize the table.
* @param startupUtil
* @throws Exception
void configureDynamo(DynamoStartupUtil startupUtil) throws Exception {