我有这段代码:mapply(annotate, maxs, s, ann)
其中annotate是一个函数,它接受一个注释器对象(maxs),一个字符串和一个带注释的对象(ann)。 s是一个字符串列表和ann一个等长的带注释对象列表。
点[[1L]] [[1L]]出错:'闭合'类型的对象不是 subsettable
s <- c("hello world", "hello world")
require(tm) #optional
require(hash) #optional
require(openNLPdata) #optional
sent_token_annotator <- Maxent_Sent_Token_Annotator()
word_token_annotator <- Maxent_Word_Token_Annotator()
pos_tag_annotator <- Maxent_POS_Tag_Annotator()
ann <- sapply(s, annotate, list(sent_token_annotator,
maxs<-Maxent_Chunk_Annotator(probs = FALSE)
> maxs; str(maxs); s; str(s); ann; str(ann);
An annotator inheriting from classes
Simple_Chunk_Annotator Annotator
with description
Computes chunk annotations using the Apache OpenNLP Maxent chunker employing the default model for language 'en'.
function (s, a)
- attr(*, "meta")=List of 1
..$ description: chr "Computes chunk annotations using the Apache OpenNLP Maxent chunker employing the default model for language 'en'."
- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "Simple_Chunk_Annotator" "Annotator"
[1] "hello world" "hello world"
chr [1:2] "hello world" "hello world"
id type start end features
1 sentence 1 23 constituents=<<integer,4>>
2 word 1 5 POS=UH
3 word 7 11 POS=NN
4 word 13 17 POS=UH
5 word 19 23 POS=NN
List of 5
$ :Classes 'Annotation', 'Span' hidden list of 5
..$ id : int 1
..$ type : chr "sentence"
..$ start : int 1
..$ end : int 23
..$ features:List of 1
.. ..$ :List of 1
.. .. ..$ constituents: int [1:4] 2 3 4 5
..- attr(*, "meta")=List of 2
.. ..$ POS_tagset : chr "en-ptb"
.. ..$ POS_tagset_URL: chr "http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/ccalas/tagsets/upenn.html"
$ :Classes 'Annotation', 'Span' hidden list of 5
..$ id : int 2
..$ type : chr "word"
..$ start : int 1
..$ end : int 5
..$ features:List of 1
.. ..$ :List of 1
.. .. ..$ POS: chr "UH"
..- attr(*, "meta")=List of 2
.. ..$ POS_tagset : chr "en-ptb"
.. ..$ POS_tagset_URL: chr "http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/ccalas/tagsets/upenn.html"
$ :Classes 'Annotation', 'Span' hidden list of 5
..$ id : int 3
..$ type : chr "word"
..$ start : int 7
..$ end : int 11
..$ features:List of 1
.. ..$ :List of 1
.. .. ..$ POS: chr "NN"
..- attr(*, "meta")=List of 2
.. ..$ POS_tagset : chr "en-ptb"
.. ..$ POS_tagset_URL: chr "http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/ccalas/tagsets/upenn.html"
$ :Classes 'Annotation', 'Span' hidden list of 5
..$ id : int 4
..$ type : chr "word"
..$ start : int 13
..$ end : int 17
..$ features:List of 1
.. ..$ :List of 1
.. .. ..$ POS: chr "UH"
..- attr(*, "meta")=List of 2
.. ..$ POS_tagset : chr "en-ptb"
.. ..$ POS_tagset_URL: chr "http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/ccalas/tagsets/upenn.html"
$ :Classes 'Annotation', 'Span' hidden list of 5
..$ id : int 5
..$ type : chr "word"
..$ start : int 19
..$ end : int 23
..$ features:List of 1
.. ..$ :List of 1
.. .. ..$ POS: chr "NN"
..- attr(*, "meta")=List of 2
.. ..$ POS_tagset : chr "en-ptb"
.. ..$ POS_tagset_URL: chr "http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/ccalas/tagsets/upenn.html"
- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "Annotation" "Span"
- attr(*, "meta")=List of 2
..$ POS_tagset : chr "en-ptb"
..$ POS_tagset_URL: chr "http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/ccalas/tagsets/upenn.html"
非常感谢您的帮助! TY