
时间:2017-06-06 08:05:44

标签: javascript jquery events javascript-events dom-manipulation




var tree = document.getElementById('tree');

for (var i in result) {
  if (result[i].children) {
    // fill outer layer entities with children
    tree.innerHTML +=
      '<div id="layer_one_title_' + [i] + '" class="title">' +
      '<i class="dropdown icon"></i>' +
      '<i class="folder icon"></i>' + result[i].text +
      '<i class="plus icon lev_one_add" ></i>' +
      '</div>' +
      '<div id="layer_one_content_' + [i] + '" class="content active"></div>';

    $('#layer_one_title_' + [i]).on('click', '.lev_one_add', function(event) {
      newFirstNode(result[i], event);

    let layer_one_content = document.getElementById('layer_one_content_' + [i]);
    for (var j in result[i].children) {
      if (result[i].children[j].children) {
        // fill inner layer entities with children
        layer_one_content.innerHTML +=
          '<div id="layer_one_' + [i] + '_' + [j] + '" class="accordion layer_one">' +
          '<div id="layer_two_title_' + [i] + '_' + [j] + '" class="title">' +
          '<i class="dropdown icon"></i>' +
          '<i class="folder icon"></i>' + result[i].children[j].text +
          '<i class="plus icon lev_two_add"></i>' +
          '</div>' +
          '<div id="layer_two_content_' + [i] + '_' + [j] + '" class="content active"></div>' +

        $('#layer_two_title_' + [i] + '_' + [j]).on('click', '.lev_two_add', function(event) {
          newFirstNode(result[i], event);


1 个答案:

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我假设你在这里使用jQuery。看看下面的代码是否适合你。 (改变你的代码)。


// Note: Trying my best to prevent binding events and injecting html within a loop.

// Find the parent element first.
let $tree = $("#tree");

// Bind a delegate event on to the parent for a child click.
$tree.on('click', ".lev_one_add", result, function (event) {
    let $self = $(this);
    let result = event.data; // Access the data passed when binding this event (third param in this event statement).
    let index = $self.data("index"); // Access the index which was set as an attribute in the html format ("data-index").

    newFirstNode(result[index], event);

$tree.on('click', '.layer_two_container .lev_two_add', result, function (event) {
    let $self = $(this);
    let result = event.data; // Access the data passed when binding this event (third param in this event statement).
    let parentIndex = $self.data("pindex"); // Access the index which was set as an attribute in the html format ("data-pindex").
    let index = $self.data("index"); // Access the index which was set as an attribute in the html format ("data-index").

    if (result[parentIndex] && result[parentIndex].children[index]) {
        newSecondNode(result[parentIndex], event);

let htmlChilds = "";
for (var i in result) {
    if (result[i].children) {
        // Append the html as a string all at once instead of injecting each html child at a time.
        // (This way is performance efficient)
        htmlChilds +=
            '<div id="layer_one_title_' + [i] + '" class="title">' +
            '<i class="dropdown icon"></i>' +
            '<i class="folder icon"></i>' + result[i].text +

            // Added an attribute "data-index" to hold the index.
            '<i class="plus icon lev_one_add" data-index="' + [i] + '" ></i>' +
            '</div>' +

            // Open the .layer_two_container div.
            '<div id="layer_one_content_' + [i] + '" class="content active layer_two_container">';

        for (var j in result[i].children) {
            if (result[i].children[j].children) {
                htmlChilds +=
                    '<div id="layer_one_' + [i] + '_' + [j] + '" class="accordion layer_one">' +
                    '<div id="layer_two_title_' + [i] + '_' + [j] + '" class="title">' +
                    '<i class="dropdown icon"></i>' +
                    '<i class="folder icon"></i>' + result[i].children[j].text +

                    // Added attributes "data-pindex" and "data-index" to hold indexes of parent and child.
                    '<i class="plus icon lev_two_add" data-pindex="' + [i] + '" data-index="' + [j] + '"></i>' +
                    '</div>' +
                    '<div id="layer_two_content_' + [i] + '_' + [j] + '" class="content active"></div>' +

        // Close the .layer_two_container div.
        htmlChilds += '</div>';

// Inject the children html into the parent node.