问题:我根据您的文档建议使用OAPH设置了属性。但是因为OAPH使用UI线程观察,取决于引用属性的哪个线程,属性may not behave like a normal property(即getter函数)。它不会立即根据您提供的getter功能代码提供更新值。相反,它返回一个缓存的值(如果你在正确的线程上,这不是一个问题)。我认为这在某种程度上有利于UI响应。
class Rectangle
private int _height;
public int Height { get => _height; set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _height, value); }
private int _width;
public int Width { get => _width; set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _width, value); }
readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper<bool> _isSquare;
public bool IsSquare => _isSquare.Value;
public Rectangle
_isSquare = this.WhenAnyValue(
This => This.Width,
This => This.Height,
(h,w) => (h == w))
.ToProperty(this, This => This.IsSquare);
void SetHeightAndWidthToTwo()
Height = 2;
Width = 2;
// Width and Height have been updated and PropertyChanged
// notifications have been raised by each. But if we're not
// in the UI thread, IsSquare might not update immediately,
// so this fails.
// In ctor:
_isSquare = this.WhenAnyValue(
This => This.Width,
This => This.Height,
(h,w) => (h == w))
.ToProperty(this, This => This.IsSquare, scheduler:ImmediateScheduler.Instance);
public bool IsSquare => (Height == Width);
readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper<bool> _isSquareOutput;
public bool IsSquareOutput => _isSquareOutput.Value;
// in ctor:
_isSquareOutput = this.WhenAnyValue(
This => This.Width,
This => This.Height,
(h,w) => this.IsSquare)
.ToProperty(this, This => This.IsSquareOutput);
readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper<bool> _isSquare;
public bool IsSquare => _isSquare.WaitForValue(); // ??