List<User> userList = listOfUsers(); // Morethan 50,000 users
答案 0 :(得分:2)
带方法参考的Java 8解决方案:
答案 1 :(得分:1)
public User getActiveUserFromList(userList) {
for (User user : userList) {
if (user.isActive()) {
return user;
return null;
public Boolean isAnyActive(userList) {
if (userList.first().isActive()) { // try first
return true;
if (userList.last().isActive()) { // if its ordered and there is an active user, the last surely will be active, since first wasn't
return true;
return false;
答案 2 :(得分:1)
加速搜索的一种方法(不使用Java 8 )是通过搜索ArrayList
中的两个方向(即从开头到中间,从结尾到中间) )同时通过 多线程 ,我创建了这个示例,并针对 100万 对象对其进行了测试/ user检查其中是否有任何一个处于活动状态(请注意,我只使一个用户处于活动状态并将其置于中间中以查看最长< / strong>搜索可能需要的时间)。
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class User {
// some fields to test
String name;
boolean active;
//volatile means all writes up to the volatile variable
//from other any thread are now visible to all other threads.
//so they can share working on that variable
static volatile boolean finishFirst = false; // to announce first thread finish
static volatile boolean finishSecond = false; // to announce second thread finish
static volatile boolean found = false; // // to announce if an active user found
* Simple Constructor
* @param name
* @param active
public User(String name, boolean active){
this.name = name;
this.active = active;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// create an ArrayList of type User
ArrayList<User> list = new ArrayList<User>();
// populate it with 1 MILLION user!!
int i=0;
for(;i<1000000; i++){
// make only the one in the very middle active to prolong the search to max
list.add(new User(String.valueOf(i),true));
list.add(new User(String.valueOf(i),false));
System.out.println("End of Adding " + i + " User" );
// to measure how long it will take
long startTime, endTime;
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Found Any Active: "+ isAnyActive(list)); // invoke the method
endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(endTime-startTime + " MilliScond");
public static boolean isAnyActive(ArrayList<User> list){
found = false;
// create two threads, each search the half of the array
// so that shall save time to half
Thread t1 = new Thread(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
// read one more index in case the size is not an even number
// so it will exceed the middle in one -> no problem at all
for(int i=0; i<=(list.size()/2)+1; i++){
if(list.get(i).active) {
found = true;
finishFirst = true;
finishFirst = true; // in case did not find any
// second thread the same, but read from the end to the middle
Thread t2 = new Thread(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
for(int i=list.size()-1; i>=list.size()/2; i--){
if(list.get(i).active) {
found = true;
finishSecond = true;
finishSecond = true;
// start both thread
// while one of them has not finished yet
while(!finishFirst || !finishSecond){
// but in case not finished looping but found an active user
// break the loop
return found; // return the result
End of Adding 1000000 User
Found Any Active: true
31 MilliScond
答案 3 :(得分:0)
我当然会考虑使用Java 8 Lambda。我写了一个示例类:
package com.chocksaway;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Author milesd on 05/06/2017.
class Name {
private String name;
private Boolean status;
public Name(String name, Boolean status) {
this.name = name;
this.status = status;
public String getName() {
return name;
public Boolean getStatus() {
return status;
public class FindFirstInStream {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Name> userList = new ArrayList<>();
userList.add(new Name("James", false));
userList.add(new Name("Eric", true));
userList.add(new Name("David", false));
Name firstActiveName = userList.stream()
.filter(e -> e.getStatus().equals(true))
我使用Java 8流过滤,并返回第一个“活动”名称(Eric)。
答案 4 :(得分:0)
您可以使用Collections ArrayDeque。 ArrayDeques将使用迭代的一半来查找活动用户。在你的情况下
public java.io.PrintStream printf(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...);
public java.io.PrintStream printf(java.util.Locale, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...);
public java.io.PrintStream format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...);
public java.io.PrintStream format(java.util.Locale, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...);
答案 5 :(得分:0)
因为我看到许多不使用并行流的Java 8流媒体解决方案,所以我添加了这个答案。您有一个大型集合,您可以在其上进行匹配,因此当您选择使用Java 8时,可以使用parallelStream的强大功能。
Optional<User> result = userList.parallelStream().filter(User::isActive).findAny();
此操作的行为明确是不确定的;它是 可以自由选择流中的任何元素。这是为了允许最大 并行运营绩效;成本是多倍的 同一源上的调用可能不会返回相同的结果。 (如果一个 需要稳定的结果,请改用findFirst()。)
这是来自Oracle的一个不错的tutorial on Parallelism。