在负载下启动时Asp.Net Core性能问题

时间:2017-06-05 21:13:40

标签: performance asp.net-core startup



  • 启动一个测试应用程序,该应用程序以50个同步任务命中该服务
  • 启动服务
  • 注意到请求开始,但是在开始完成之前有很长的延迟,而且大多数会超时

作为临时工作,我创建了中间件,在第一次完成之前限制后续请求。这有效地让asp.net mvc在处理大量请求之前进行初始化。这个特殊的应用程序是带有EF核心的asp.net核心1.1(web api)。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

当使用位于全国各地的真实数据库时,我第一次向ASP.NET Core WebAPI请求时遇到了900毫秒的延迟。这是因为它需要建立连接池以便与连接到所述数据库一起使用,并且在运行服务时我不急切地创建连接池。相反,当我通过在服务容器中注册为单例的连接工厂请求连接时,它会被懒惰地初始化。

也许您遇到了与您所说的使用Entity Framework Core相同类型的延迟,而Entity Framework Core可能是由SQL Server支持的。 作为此初始请求的一部分,是否会延迟启动数据库的连接池?

尝试创建一个没有任何返回vanilla class Node: def __init__(self, path, board, posn, depth, direction=None, f=None): self.path = path self.depth = depth self.board = board self.posn = posn self.__children = list() self.visited = False if direction is not None: self.direction = direction self.__postProcess(direction) self.g = len(path) self.h = self.__getHeuristic() if f is None: self.f = self.g + self.h else: self.f = f def __repr__(self): #return "*" + ''.join(str(e) for e in self.board) + "*" DEBUG return str(hash(self)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.board == other.board def __hash__(self): array = tuple(self.board[0] + self.board[1] + self.board[2]) return hash(array) def __lt__(self, other): return self.f def getParentHash(self): """Calculates the parent, of this nodes, hash""" dboard = deepcopy(self.board) # Find where 0 is on board for row in range(3): for column in range(3): if 0 == dboard[row][column]: posn = [row, column] #Undo last step to deepcopy board if self.path[-1] == "Right": dboard[posn[0]][posn[1]] = dboard[posn[0]][posn[1]-1] dboard[posn[0]][posn[1]-1] = 0 elif self.path[-1] == "Left": dboard[posn[0]][posn[1]] = dboard[posn[0]][posn[1]+1] dboard[posn[0]][posn[1]+1] = 0 elif self.path[-1] == "Up": dboard[posn[0]][posn[1]] = dboard[posn[0]+1][posn[1]] dboard[posn[0]+1][posn[1]] = 0 elif self.path[-1] == "Down": dboard[posn[0]][posn[1]] = dboard[posn[0]-1][posn[1]] dboard[posn[0]-1][posn[1]] = 0 return hash(tuple(dboard[0] + dboard[1] + dboard[2])) def getChildren(self): """getChildren generates children of node, if they have not be prev generated or the node has not been visited yet, returns all children for the given node""" if len(self.__children) == 0 and not self.visited: #allows me to print a graph given the root node cdn = list() if 0 not in self.board[0]: cdn.append(Node(self.path[:], deepcopy(self.board), self.posn[:], self.depth + 1, 'Up')) if 0 not in self.board[2]: cdn.append(Node(self.path[:], deepcopy(self.board), self.posn[:], self.depth + 1, 'Down')) if 0 not in (self.board[0][0], self.board[1][0], self.board[2][0]): cdn.append(Node(self.path[:], deepcopy(self.board), self.posn[:], self.depth + 1, 'Left')) if 0 not in (self.board[0][2], self.board[1][2], self.board[2][2]): cdn.append(Node(self.path[:], deepcopy(self.board), self.posn[:], self.depth + 1, 'Right')) self.__children = cdn self.visited = True return cdn else: return self.__children def __getPos(self, num): for row in range(3): for column in range(3): if num == self.board[row][column]: return [row, column] def __getHeuristic(self): pos0 = self.__getPos(0) pos1 = self.__getPos(1) pos2 = self.__getPos(2) pos3 = self.__getPos(3) pos4 = self.__getPos(4) pos5 = self.__getPos(5) pos6 = self.__getPos(6) pos7 = self.__getPos(7) pos8 = self.__getPos(8) zero = abs(0 - pos0[0]) + abs(0 - pos0[1]) one = abs(0 - pos1[0]) + abs(1 - pos1[1]) two = abs(0 - pos2[0]) + abs(2 - pos2[1]) three = abs(1 - pos3[0]) + abs(0 - pos3[1]) four = abs(1 - pos4[0]) + abs(1 - pos4[1]) five = abs(1 - pos5[0]) + abs(2 - pos5[1]) six = abs(2 - pos6[0]) + abs(0 - pos6[1]) seven = abs(2 - pos7[0]) + abs(1 - pos7[1]) eight = abs(2 - pos8[0]) + abs(2 - pos8[1]) return zero + one + two + three + four + five + six + seven + eight def __postProcess(self, dirn): """postProcess: Correctly updates the current node to accurately reflect it state of the board based on the direction passed through the functions parameter """ y = self.posn[0] x = self.posn[1] if 'Left' == dirn: self.board[y][x] = self.board[y][x - 1] self.board[y][x - 1] = 0 self.posn[1] = x - 1 elif 'Right' == dirn: self.board[y][x] = self.board[y][x + 1] self.board[y][x + 1] = 0 self.posn[1] = x + 1 elif 'Up' == dirn: self.board[y][x] = self.board[y - 1][x] self.board[y - 1][x] = 0 self.posn[0] = y - 1 elif 'Down' == dirn: self.board[y][x] = self.board[y + 1][x] self.board[y + 1][x] = 0 self.posn[0] = y + 1 self.path.append(dirn) 的依赖项的控制器。假设您没有具有昂贵的水合服务的全局过滤器,您应该看到Web服务的基线初始化性能。