
时间:2017-06-05 19:58:08

标签: c# vb.net sqlite sqlbulkcopy

所以,我使用的是SQL Server,但我需要更改为SQLite。 我有以下代码,可以非常快速地运行600,000行(大约一分钟)。

Dim SQLAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim dtKinoDraws As New DataTable
Dim SQLcmdBuilder As SqlCommandBuilder

'Emptying the Database
                    USE <%= DatabaseName %>
                    TRUNCATE TABLE [<%= DatabaseName %>].[dbo].<%= KinoDrawsTableName %>

'This is so we have the SCHEMA to use dtKinoDraws.NewRow later to add the 400.000 rows
SQLAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(<SQL>
                                     USE <%= DatabaseName %>
                                     Select * FROM [<%= DatabaseName %>].[dbo].<%= KinoDrawsTableName %>
                                </SQL>.Value, SQLConn)
SQLcmdBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder(SQLAdapter)

[Adding the 600.000+ rows to the datatable dtKinoDraws as described below]

'Copying everything from the datatable back to SQL Server (takes about a minute)
Using bulkCopy As New SqlBulkCopy(SQLConn)
    bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = KinoDrawsTableName
End Using



Dim SQLiteAdapter As New SQLiteDataAdapter
Dim dtKinoDraws As New DataTable
Dim SQLitecmdBuilder As SQLiteCommandBuilder

'Emptying the Database
                    DELETE FROM [<%= KinoDrawsTableName %>];

'This is so we have the SCHEMA to use dtKinoDraws.NewRow later to add the 400.000 rows
SQLiteAdapter = New SQLiteDataAdapter(<SQL>
                                          Select * FROM <%= KinoDrawsTableName %>
                                      </SQL>.Value, SQLConnLite)
SQLitecmdBuilder = New SQLiteCommandBuilder(SQLiteAdapter)


[Adding the 600.000+ rows to the datatable dtKinoDraws as described below]


Visual Studio的输出每秒至少两次给我几乎无限数量的此消息:&#34; SQLite通知(27):在第42982行&#34时延迟25ms锁定/共享冲突;

如何像SQL Server一样快速地改进它? 我的代码是用VB编写的,所以我更喜欢VB代码,但我可以将C#代码翻译成VB,这样也很酷:)

=============================================== ============================ 现在,我没有想到记录添加到数据表的方式起到了作用,因为这只需要几秒钟,但根据@Plutonix请求,这里是整个代码:

Private Async Function LoadKinoDrawsFromTextFiles(ByVal FromValue As Integer, ByVal ToValue As Integer, ByVal Files() As String, ByVal dtTable As DataTable) As Task(Of DataTable)
    Dim Result As DataTable = dtTable.Clone

    Await Task.Run(
            For i As Integer = FromValue To ToValue
                DownloadingDrawsProgress += 1
                Dim FileContent() As String = File.ReadAllLines(Files(i))
                Dim CurLineKinoDrawNum As Integer = -1

                For Each line In FileContent
                    If line <> "" AndAlso line.Length > 10 Then
                            Dim LineDecomposition As List(Of String) = line.Split(" "c).ToList

                            Dim NewDataRow As DataRow = Result.NewRow
                            CurLineKinoDrawNum = CInt(LineDecomposition(0))
                            NewDataRow(0) = CurLineKinoDrawNum
                                NewDataRow(1) = Date.ParseExact(LineDecomposition(1) & " " & LineDecomposition(2), KinoDateFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                            Catch ex As Exception
                                    NewDataRow(1) = Date.ParseExact(LineDecomposition(1) & " " & LineDecomposition(2), "d/M/yyyy HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                                Catch exc As Exception
                                    NewDataRow(1) = Date.Parse(LineDecomposition(1) & " " & LineDecomposition(2))
                                End Try
                            End Try
                            NewDataRow(2) = ArrayBox(False, " ", 0UI, False, LineDecomposition.Skip(3), True, "")

                        Catch ex As Exception
                                Dim Tries As Integer = 0
                                Dim DownloadClient As New WebClient With {.Proxy = Nothing}
                                Dim OnlineDrawJSONString As String
                                Dim OnlineDrawJSON As JObject = Nothing

                                Do Until Tries >= 10
                                        OnlineDrawJSONString = DownloadClient.DownloadString(DrawByNumberLink.Replace("{NumIdentifier}", CurLineKinoDrawNum.ToString))
                                        OnlineDrawJSON = JObject.Parse(OnlineDrawJSONString)
                                        Tries = 10
                                    Catch exb As Exception
                                        Tries += 1
                                    End Try
                                Tries = 0

                                If OnlineDrawJSON Is Nothing Then Throw New Exception("Unable to download the Draw!")

                                Dim OnlineDrawNum As Integer = OnlineDrawJSON(DrawIdentifier)(DrawNumberIdentifier).Value(Of Integer)()
                                Dim dateStr As String = CStr(OnlineDrawJSON(DrawIdentifier)(DrawDateIdentifier))
                                dateStr = dateStr.Substring(0, dateStr.IndexOf("T")) & " " & dateStr.Substring(dateStr.IndexOf("T") + 1, 5) '5 because it'll always be 5. e.g. "22:00".Length = 5
                                Dim OnlineDrawDate As Date
                                    OnlineDrawDate = Date.ParseExact(dateStr, "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                                Catch exn As Exception
                                        OnlineDrawDate = Date.ParseExact(dateStr, "d-M-yyyy HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                                    Catch exc As Exception
                                        OnlineDrawDate = Date.Parse(dateStr)
                                    End Try
                                End Try

                                Dim OnlineResults As List(Of Integer) = OnlineDrawJSON(DrawIdentifier)(DrawResultsIdentifier).Values(Of Integer)().ToList

                                Dim drRow As DataRow = Result.NewRow
                                drRow(0) = OnlineDrawNum
                                drRow(1) = OnlineDrawDate
                                drRow(2) = ArrayBox(False, " ", 0UI, False, OnlineResults, True, "")

                            Catch exc As Exception
                                CreateCrashFile(exc, True,, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
                                Exit Sub
                            End Try
                        End Try
                    End If
        End Sub)

    Return Result
End Function

Public Function ArrayBox(Of T)(ByVal doNumeriseItems As Boolean, ByVal DelimitationStr As String, ByVal SplitOnNum As UInteger, ByVal IgnoreNullValues As Boolean, ByVal IETVar As IEnumerable(Of T), Optional ByVal IgnoreDelimitSpace As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal DefaultSpace As String = " ", Optional ByVal AlwaysDelimitBeforeNewLine As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal PrefixString As String = "", Optional ByVal SuffixString As String = "", Optional DoNotPrefixIfValueIsNumeric As Boolean = False, Optional DoNotSuffixIfValueIsNumeric As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal AddTwoDoubleQuotesBeforeADoubleQuoteCharacter As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal StrInCaseOfNullValue As String = " ") As String
    Dim sbRet As New StringBuilder

    If IETVar IsNot Nothing Then
        For i = 0 To IETVar.Count - 1
            If (IETVar(i) IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not IsDBNull(IETVar(i))) OrElse Not IgnoreNullValues Then   '   If the IEVariable is something
                Dim StringToBeAppended As String = StrInCaseOfNullValue
                    StringToBeAppended = IETVar(i).ToString
                Catch ex As Exception
                End Try

                If doNumeriseItems Then sbRet.Append(i + 1).Append(") ") '      Numerise it if user asked it

                If PrefixString <> "" AndAlso (Not IsNumeric(StringToBeAppended) OrElse Not DoNotPrefixIfValueIsNumeric) Then ' If there is a Prefix set, and value isnt numeric OR, is numeric but prefixing is allowed
                    sbRet.Append(PrefixString) '                                                                                then append it before the actual value
                End If

                If Not AddTwoDoubleQuotesBeforeADoubleQuoteCharacter Then '         If we are to proceed normally,
                    sbRet.Append(StringToBeAppended) '                              Print the Value of IETVar(i)
                    sbRet.Append(StringToBeAppended.Replace("""", """""""")) '      Else, add 2 double-quotes before any double-quote character
                End If

                If SuffixString <> "" AndAlso (Not IsNumeric(StringToBeAppended) OrElse Not DoNotSuffixIfValueIsNumeric) Then 'If there is a Suffix set, and value isnt numeric OR, is numeric but suffixing is allowed
                    sbRet.Append(SuffixString) '                                                                                    then append it after the actual value
                End If

                If AlwaysDelimitBeforeNewLine AndAlso DelimitationStr <> "" AndAlso i <> IETVar.Count - 1 Then '       If Always Delimit And it isn't the last element of all
                    sbRet.Append(DelimitationStr) '                                                                 then Delimit it
                    If Not IgnoreDelimitSpace AndAlso (SplitOnNum = 0 OrElse (i + 1) Mod SplitOnNum <> 0) Then sbRet.Append(DefaultSpace) ' Put a space if a space should be put

                ElseIf DelimitationStr <> "" AndAlso (SplitOnNum = 0 OrElse (i + 1) Mod SplitOnNum <> 0) AndAlso i <> IETVar.Count - 1 Then '  if it should be delimited And it isn't the last element of the line
                    sbRet.Append(DelimitationStr) '                                                                                         then Delimit it
                    If Not IgnoreDelimitSpace Then sbRet.Append(DefaultSpace) '                                                             Put a space if a space should be put
                End If

                If SplitOnNum <> 0 AndAlso (i + 1) Mod SplitOnNum = 0 AndAlso i <> IETVar.Count - 1 Then '  If you separate them with NewLines and it is the last element of the line
                    sbRet.AppendLine() '                                                                then append a NewLine
                End If
            End If

    End If

    Return sbRet.ToString
End Function

Public Async Sub FillDatabaseWithDefaultDraws()
Dim SQLiteAdapter As New SQLiteDataAdapter
Dim dtKinoDraws As New DataTable
Dim SQLitecmdBuilder As SQLiteCommandBuilder

'Emptying the Database
                    DELETE FROM [<%= KinoDrawsTableName %>];

'This is so we have the SCHEMA to use dtKinoDraws.NewRow later to add the 400.000 rows
SQLiteAdapter = New SQLiteDataAdapter(<SQL>
                                          Select * FROM <%= KinoDrawsTableName %>
                                      </SQL>.Value, SQLConnLite)
SQLitecmdBuilder = New SQLiteCommandBuilder(SQLiteAdapter)

Dim Files() As String = Directory.GetFiles(strKinoDrawsDirPath)

Dim item = Await LoadKinoDrawsFromTextFiles(0, Files.Length - 1, Files, dtKinoDraws)

End Sub



304454 30/11/2011 21:00 7 65 31 62 21 50 34 70 37 40 16 59 10 41 42 76 78 71 74 47


304453 30/11/2011 20:55 62 30 68 63 9 45 10 50 1 78 22 6 61 52 38 2 55 26 49 72


304452 30/11/2011 20:50 45 65 42 1 78 14 16 4 43 70 28 19 67 23 77 40 49 71 22 21




300971 1/11/2011 10:00 52 48 1 76 13 38 24 18 16 20 53 59 4 40 65 68 42 9 2 51

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