
时间:2017-06-05 14:21:00

标签: python


我试图将(工作)的Python代码分割成函数以使其更清晰/更容易使用,但是一旦我将东西转移到函数中,它就会崩溃。它基本上是一个密码生成器,一旦密码符合其中包含来自所有4个类别的字符,它就会尝试仅向用户输出密码。 (小写,大写,数字和符号)。

import random
import string
lowerasciis = string.ascii_letters[0:26]
upperasciis = string.ascii_letters[26:]
numberedstrings = str(1234567809)
symbols = "!@$%^&*()[]"
password_length = int(raw_input("Please enter a password length: "))

while True:
    lowerasscii_score = 0
    upperascii_score = 0
    numberedstring_score = 0
    symbol_score = 0
    password_as_list = []

    while len(password_as_list) < password_length:
        char = random.choice(lowerasciis+upperasciis+numberedstrings+symbols)
    for x in password_as_list:
        if x in lowerasciis:
            lowerasscii_score +=1
        elif x in upperasciis:
            upperascii_score +=1
        elif x in numberedstrings:
            numberedstring_score +=1
        elif x in symbols:
            symbol_score +=1
# a check for the screen. Each cycle of the loop should display a new score:
    print lowerasscii_score, upperascii_score, numberedstring_score, symbol_score 

    if lowerasscii_score >= 1 and upperascii_score >= 1 and numberedstring_score >= 1 and symbol_score >=1:
        password = "".join(password_as_list)
        print password

这是我试图分裂它。当我尝试运行下面时,它会抱怨&#34; UnboundLocalError:局部变量&#39; upperascii_score&#39;在转让前引用&#34;在scorepassword_as_a_list()函数中

import random
import string
lowerasciis = string.ascii_letters[0:26]
upperasciis = string.ascii_letters[26:]
numberedstrings = str(1234567809)
symbols = "!@$%^&*()[]"
password_length = int(raw_input("Please enter a password length: "))
lowerasscii_score = 0
upperascii_score = 0
numberedstring_score = 0
symbol_score = 0
password_as_list = []

def genpassword_as_a_list():
    while len(password_as_list) < password_length:
        char = random.choice(lowerasciis+upperasciis+numberedstrings+symbols)

def scorepassword_as_a_list():
    for x in password_as_list:
        if x in lowerasciis:
            lowerasscii_score +=1
        elif x in upperasciis:
            upperascii_score +=1
        elif x in numberedstrings:
            numberedstring_score +=1
        elif x in symbols:
            symbol_score +=1
    # give user feedback about password's score in 4 categories
    print lowerasscii_score, upperascii_score, numberedstring_score, symbol_score

def checkscore():
    if lowerasscii_score >= 1 and upperascii_score >= 1 and numberedstring_score >= 1 and symbol_score >=1:
        return 1
        return 0

def join_and_printpassword():
    password = "".join(password_as_list)
    print password  

while True:
    if checkscore() == 1:

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这里的主要问题是您需要跟踪您正在使用的各种变量的scope。通常,将代码拆分为函数(如果正确完成)的一个优点是,您可以重用代码而无需担心是否在其他位置修改了任何初始状态。具体来说,在您的特定示例中,即使您的工作正常(使用global变量),每次调用其中一个函数时,您都必须担心,例如import random import string lowerasciis = string.ascii_letters[0:26] upperasciis = string.ascii_letters[26:] numberedstrings = str(1234567809) symbols = "!@$%^&*()[]" def genpassword_as_a_list(password_length): password_as_list = [] while len(password_as_list) < password_length: char = random.choice(lowerasciis+upperasciis+numberedstrings+symbols) password_as_list.append(char) return password_as_list def scorepassword_as_a_list(password_as_list): lowerasscii_score = 0 upperascii_score = 0 numberedstring_score = 0 symbol_score = 0 for x in password_as_list: if x in lowerasciis: lowerasscii_score +=1 elif x in upperasciis: upperascii_score +=1 elif x in numberedstrings: numberedstring_score +=1 elif x in symbols: symbol_score +=1 # give user feedback about password's score in 4 categories return ( lowerasscii_score, upperascii_score, numberedstring_score, symbol_score ) def checkscore( lowerasscii_score, upperascii_score, numberedstring_score, symbol_score): if lowerasscii_score >= 1 and upperascii_score >= 1 and numberedstring_score >= 1 and symbol_score >=1: return 1 else: return 0 def join_and_printpassword(password_as_list): password = "".join(password_as_list) print password password_length = int(raw_input("Please enter a password length: ")) while True: password_list = genpassword_as_a_list(password_length) current_score = scorepassword_as_a_list(password_list) if checkscore(*current_score) == 1: join_and_printpassword(password_list) break 未重置为0。




  1. 请注意&#34;得分&#34;变量在内部 *current_score函数中引入,并且(基于scoping rules local 到该函数。我们将它们作为返回值传递出去,从函数中取出它们。
  2. 我在checkscore(current_score[0], current_score[1], current_score[2], current_score[3])附近使用了一点魔法。这里,星号用作&#34; splat&#34;或&#34;解包&#34;运营商。我可以很容易地写出public LoginPageViewModel(IApiService apiService, INavigationService navigationService) { this.apiService = apiService; this.navigationService = navigationService; LoginCommand = new DelegateCommand(Login); this.User = new Users(); } ;他们的意思是一样的。
  3. 在Python中阅读有关变量作用域和命名空间的更多内容可能会有用。 Here's one guide,但可能会有更好的。