我第一次使用ElasticSearch 1.7
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"topic": [
"Consumer-targeted strategy"
"topicSynonym": [
"coping strategies",
"fullText": "Background: As the incidence and prevalence of prostate cancer continue to rise, the number of men needing help and support to assist them in coping with disease and treatment-related symptoms and their psychosocial effects is likely to increase.",
"quality_value": 1,
"ID": 24034,
"title": "Psychosocial interventions for men with prostate cancer",
"authors": "Parahoo K E Noyes",
"pubYear": "2013",
"publisher": "",
"abstractEN": "Background: As the incidence and prevalence of prostate cancer continue to rise, the number of men needing help and support to assist them in coping with disease and treatment-related symptoms and their psychosocial effects is likely to increase.",
"uniqueID": "",
"documentTypeName": "Review of effects",
"viewCount": 28,
"highlight": {
"title": [
"Interventions for men with prostate <b>cancer</b>"
"abstract": [
"Background: As the incidence and prevalence of prostate <b>cancer</b> continue to rise, the number of men"
使用案例:如果我更改了quality_value或其他任何人的权重,那么它应该根据字段权重更改结果。我不确定我的查询是否正确或我遗漏了什么。我正在使用ElasticSearch 1.7