答案 0 :(得分:1)
高图中的每个图表都以不同的方式接受数据。创建两个单独的数组 xAxis &来自数据数组&的 yAxis 提供他们的价值观。
var data = [
[1496640705, 1583360, 1583360, 1583370, 1583360],
[1496640720, 1583360, 1583350, 1583360, 1583345],
[1496640735, 1583350, 1583320, 1583400, 1583320]
xAxis = [],
yAxis = [];
data.forEach(function(item) {
yAxis.push(item[item.length - 1])
console.log(xAxis, yAxis)
答案 1 :(得分:1)
path: '/authentication', // the authentication service path
header: 'Authorization', // the header to use when using JWT auth
**entity: 'user', // the entity that will be added to the request, socket, and hook.params. (ie. req.user, socket.user, hook.params.user)**
service: 'users', // the service to look up the entity
passReqToCallback: true, // whether the request object should be passed to the strategies `verify` function
session: false, // whether to use sessions
cookie: {
enabled: false, // whether the cookie should be enabled
name: 'feathers-jwt', // the cookie name
httpOnly: false, // whether the cookie should not be available to client side JavaScript
secure: true // whether cookies should only be available over HTTPS
jwt: {
header: { typ: 'access' }, // by default is an access token but can be any type
audience: 'https://yourdomain.com', // The resource server where the token is processed
subject: 'anonymous', // Typically the entity id associated with the JWT
issuer: 'feathers', // The issuing server, application or resource
algorithm: 'HS256', // the algorithm to use
expiresIn: '1d' // the access token expiry
var data = [
[1496640705000, 1583360, 1583360, 1583370, 1583360],
[1496640720000, 1583360, 1583350, 1583360, 1583345],
[1496640735000, 1583350, 1583320, 1583400, 1583320]
//For highcharts data should be formatted as [[x,y],[x,y],...]
data.forEach(function(item) {
seresData.push([item[0],item[item.length - 1]])

var data = [
[1496640705000, 1583360, 1583360, 1583370, 1583360],
[1496640720000, 1583360, 1583350, 1583360, 1583345],
[1496640735000, 1583350, 1583320, 1583400, 1583320]
seresData = []
data.forEach(function(item) {
seresData.push([item[0], item[item.length - 1]])
Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
type: 'spline'
title: {
text: 'Snow depth at Vikjafjellet, Norway'
subtitle: {
text: 'Irregular time data in Highcharts JS'
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
dateTimeLabelFormats: { // don't display the dummy year
month: '%e. %b',
year: '%b'
title: {
text: 'Date'
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Snow depth (m)'
min: 0
tooltip: {
headerFormat: '<b>{series.name}</b><br>',
pointFormat: '{point.x:%e. %b}: {point.y:.2f} m'
plotOptions: {
spline: {
marker: {
enabled: true
series: [{
name: 'Winter 2012-2013',
// Define the data points. All series have a dummy year
// of 1970/71 in order to be compared on the same x axis. Note
// that in JavaScript, months start at 0 for January, 1 for February etc.
data: seresData