//g++ 5.4.0
#include <iostream>
//have a base class which calls a function from the derived template
template<typename Derived>
struct Base
template<void (Derived::*action)(void)>
void callMethod(Derived& d)
struct Evt
void evt_doSmth(){ std::cout << "finally" << std::endl; };
struct Foo : public Base<Foo>, public Evt
void foo_doSmth(){ std::cout << "i expected this" << std::endl; };
int main()
Foo f;
//this works because the function in declared in the Foo class
//i don't understand why this is not working, because the function
//should be accessible from the Foo class since it inherits Evt class
//could not convert template argument.
f.callMethod<&Foo::evt_doSmth>(f);//<------- this does not work.
f.evt_doSmth(); // works obviously