我正在尝试连接到Cloudera VM 5.10(CDH 5.10)hue hive接口示例数据库,以使用dbVisualizer工具(https://www.dbvis.com/download)测试正确的驱动程序 我查了CDH 5.10有hive版本1.1,我从
获得了这些信息我测试了两个司机 1)Hive JDBC 1.1.0独立于 https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/hive/hive-jdbc/1.1.0/ 2)" hive-jdbc-1.1.0-cdh5.10.0-standalone.jar"直接从cdh VM获取。
Cunnection URL I am giving is :
When I connect I get this error message
"An error occurred while establishing the connection:
The selected Driver cannot handle the specified Database URL.
The most common reason for this error is that the database URL
contains a syntax error preventing the driver from accepting it.
The error also occurs when trying to connect to a database
with the wrong driver. Correct this and try again."