问题: 我从txt文件中提取数据。该数据存储在String中,我需要将该值存储到Single变量中。
上下文 我使用的是Microsoft Excel 2010,代码在Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications下完成。
我尝试的解决方案: 在所有这些情况下,valueToRead等于" 1.580000"。
1)realAngle = CSng(valueToRead) 我收到执行错误' 13',输入incompatibility
2)realAngle = Single.Parse(valueToRead) 编译错误,语法错误
3)realAngle = Single.Parse(valueToRead,System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) 编译错误,语法错误
4)realAngle = Convert.ToSingle(valueToRead) 执行错误' 424':需要对象
Sub macro_test()
' File to read data from
Dim logFile As String
' Variable containing a line from the file
Dim textLine As String
' Variable containing a part of the line
Dim ReadValue As Variant
' Variable containing a part of ReadValue
Dim ReadValue2 As Variant
' Desperate variable in order to be sure to have a String value
Dim valueToRead As String
' Angle value stored in the file
Dim realAngle As Single
' Number of elements separated by " | " in the lien
Dim Size As Integer
' Initialize variables
Size = 0
realAngle = 0
logFile = "FilePathAndName"
' Open the txt file
Open logFile For Input As #1
' Read until the end of the file
Do Until EOF(1)
' Get a line of text from the file
Line Input #1, textLine
' Split the line with " | " separator
ReadValue = Split(textLine, " | ")
' Count the number of elements
Size = UBound(ReadValue) - LBound(ReadValue) + 1
' If the line have enough elements then it may be of interest
If Size > 9 Then
' if this is the correct line thanks to a correct identificator
If ReadValue(3) = "MyIdentificator" Then
' Split the line with the " = " sign
ReadValue2 = Split(ReadValue(8), " = ")
' Storing the value into a String
valueToRead = ReadValue2(1)
realAngle = CSng(valueToRead)
'realAngle = Single.Parse(valueToRead)
'realAngle = Convert.ToSingle(valueToRead)
'realAngle = Single.Parse(valueToRead, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)
End If
End If
Close #1
End Sub
编辑:这是我在文件中获得的行的示例: 日志级别:LogLevel |文件名:X:\ Folder1 \ Folder2 \ Folder3 \ Folder4 \ Folder5 \ Folder6 \ FileName.h |函数名称:FunctionName |行号:XXXX |信息:MYINFO | BLABLA | VALUE1 = 32768 | VALUE2 = 0.000000 | VALUE3 = 1.580000 | VALUE4 = 0.000000 | VALUE5 = 3581.941895 | VALUE6 = 36349.941406
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Public Function change_commas(ByVal myValue As Variant) As String
Dim str_temp As String
str_temp = CStr(myValue)
change_commas = Replace(str_temp, ",", ".")
End Function