
时间:2017-05-31 07:24:18

标签: javascript jquery html forms


    function validation() {
        if( $('#sdate').val() == null ||  $('#sdate').val() == undefined || $('#sdate').val() == "" ){
            alert( 'Please fill in start date field');
        if( $('#edate').val() == null || $('#edate').val() == undefined ||  $('#edate').val() == "" ){  
           alert( 'Please fill in end date field');
        if( $('#agree').val() == null || $('#agree').val() == undefined || $('#agree').val() == ""){ 
            alert( 'Please indicate that you have satisfied all the requirements');

<div class="content-wrapper">
    <div class="sub-content">
            <p>Start Date:</p>
            <input id="sdate" type="date" name="startdate">
    <div class="sub-content">
            <p>End Date:</p>
            <input id="edate" type="date" name="enddate">

<div class="end-content">
    <div class="center-align">
        <div class="checklist">
            <p>By checking this box I agree that I have satisfied all requirements.</p>
            <input id="agree" type="checkbox" name="checkbox" class="tick-att">
        <div class="align-right">
             <input type="submit" class="button" name="submit" value="submit" onclick="validation()" >

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

复选框验证错误。 Iis is(':checked')。并将输入验证简单地应用于!input value,其验证nullemptyundefined.trim()删除不需要的空格。

如果您有from代码,请尝试使用onsubmit="return validation()"代替onclick="validation"提交按钮。 return false当输入失败时停止执行函数

function validation() {
  if (!$('#sdate').val().trim()) {
    alert('Please fill in start date field');
    return false // if you have a form tag
  if (!$('#edate').val().trim()) {
    alert('Please fill in end date field');
        return false // if you have a form tag
  if (!$('#agree').is(':checked')) {
    alert('Please indicate that you have satisfied all the requirements');
        return false // if you have a form tag
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<form onsubmit="return validation()">
<div class="content-wrapper">
  <div class="sub-content">
      <p>Start Date:</p>
      <input id="sdate" type="date" name="startdate">
  <div class="sub-content">
      <p>End Date:</p>
      <input id="edate" type="date" name="enddate">

<div class="end-content">
  <div class="center-align">
    <div class="checklist">
      <p>By checking this box I agree that I have satisfied all requirements.</p>
      <input id="agree" type="checkbox" name="checkbox" class="tick-att">
    <div class="align-right">
      <input type="submit" class="button" name="submit" value="submit" >

答案 1 :(得分:1)


        if( $('#sdate').val() == null ||  $('#sdate').val() == undefined || $('#sdate').val() == "" ){
            alert( 'Please fill in start date field');
            return false;
        if( $('#edate').val() == null || $('#edate').val() == undefined ||  $('#edate').val() == "" ){  
           alert( 'Please fill in end date field');
           return false;
       if(!document.getElementById('agree').checked) { 
            alert( 'Please indicate that you have satisfied all the requirements');
            return false;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>  
<div class="content-wrapper">
    <div class="sub-content">
            <p>Start Date:</p>
            <input id="sdate" type="date" name="startdate">
    <div class="sub-content">
            <p>End Date:</p>
            <input id="edate" type="date" name="enddate">

<div class="end-content">
    <div class="center-align">
        <div class="checklist">
            <p>By checking this box I agree that I have satisfied all requirements.</p>
            <input id="agree" type="checkbox"  name="checkbox" class="tick-att">
        <div class="align-right">
             <input type="submit" id="btn" class="button" name="submit" value="submit" onClientClick="validation()" />

您需要在每次提醒后添加return false。然后它将阻止提交事件,并且它还将显示表格中第一个位置的相应字段的警报消息。如果没有立即填充,则提交事件将阻止其他警报消息显示,即使该字段为空。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

您需要捕获表单提交事件。 if条件中的return false语句将停止该事件。如果一切顺利,将不会执行return false语句,并且将提交表单。

var validation = function() {
        if( $('#sdate').val() == null ||  $('#sdate').val() == undefined || $('#sdate').val() == "" ){
            alert( 'Please fill in start date field');
            return false;
        if( $('#edate').val() == null || $('#edate').val() == undefined ||  $('#edate').val() == "" ){  
           alert( 'Please fill in end date field');
           return false;
        if( !$('#agree').is(':checked') ){ 
            alert( 'Please indicate that you have satisfied all the requirements');
            return false;
