
时间:2017-05-30 11:08:11

标签: c arrays assembly short chars




#include <stdio.h>
void main()
    // Input
    char date[] = "20/06/1999 13:23:47";    //gg/mm/aaaa hh:mm:ss

                                            // Output
    unsigned short day;
    unsigned short month;
    unsigned short year;
    unsigned short hour;
    unsigned short minute;
    unsigned short second;

        lea eax,day
        mov al, date[0]
        mov [eax],al

    // Stampa su video
    printf("day: %i month: %i year: %i hour: %i minute: %i second: %i \n", day,month,year,hour, minute, second);
    printf("press a key to go");

我可能错了,但是那里的汇编代码部分应该放入eax day的地址/引用,然后我从2获取date[0] al然后将2放入day


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 如何解析字符串。

    如果字符串si始终采用gg/mm/aaaa hh:mm:ss格式,则可以访问具有固定索引的部分。因此,年份可以在指数[6],[7],[8]和[9]中找到。

  2. 如何将字符串转换为整数。

    您可以阅读有关算法的信息。它们并不复杂,只是解释或多或少复杂。在这里,你只有两种数字:两位数字和四位数字。我建议得到值(即整数),就像你向一个小孩子解释一样:一年的价值是[第一位=“数千”] * 1000 + [第二位=“数百”] * 100 + [第三位digit =“tens”] * 10 + [第四位=“单位”]。两位数的值是[第一位=“十位”] * 10 + [第二位=“单位”]。

  3. 另外,我看到了初学者的错误。 ALAX的一部分,是EAX的一部分。如果您更改AL(例如mov al, date[0]),则也会更改EAX

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main ( void )
        // Input
        char date[] = "20/06/1999 13:23:47";    //gg/mm/aaaa hh:mm:ss
                                            // Output
        unsigned short day;
        unsigned short month;
        unsigned short year;
        unsigned short hour;
        unsigned short minute;
        unsigned short second;
            mov cl, 10                  ; Multiplicator
            mov al, date[0]             ; First digit
            and al, 0Fh                 ; Isolate the decimal number of the ASCII character
            mul cl                      ; AX = AL * CL => tens
            mov dl, date[1]             ; Second digit
            and dx, 0Fh                 ; Isolate the decimal number of the ASCII character
            add ax, dx                  ; Add the tens and the units
            mov [day],ax                ; Save the result
            mov al, date[3]             ; First digit
            and al, 0Fh                 ; Isolate the decimal number of the ASCII character
            mul cl                      ; AX = AL * CL
            mov dl, date[4]             ; Second digit
            and dx, 0Fh                 ; Isolate the decimal number of the ASCII character
            add ax, dx                  ; Add the tens and the units
            mov [month],ax              ; Save the result
            movzx ax, byte ptr date[6]  ; Load one byte into a word register
            and al, 0Fh                 ; Isolate the decimal number of the ASCII character
            imul dx, ax, 1000           ; DX = AX * 1000 => millenium
            movzx ax, byte ptr date[7]  ; Load one byte into a word register
            and al, 0Fh                 ; Isolate the decimal number of the ASCII character
            imul ax, ax, 100            ; AX = AX * 100
            add dx, ax                  ; Add it to the millenium => 1900
            movzx ax, byte ptr date[8]  ; Load one byte into a word register
            and al, 0Fh                 ; Isolate the decimal number of the ASCII character
            imul ax, ax, 10
            add dx, ax                  ; Add it => 1990
            movzx ax, byte ptr date[9]  ; Load one byte into a word register
            and al, 0Fh                 ; Isolate the decimal number of the ASCII character
            add dx, ax                  ; Add it => 1999
            mov [year], dx              ; Save the result (DX!)
            mov al, date[11]            ; First digit
            and al, 0Fh                 ; Isolate the decimal number of the ASCII character
            mul cl                      ; AX = AL * CL
            mov dl, date[12]            ; Second digit
            and dx, 0Fh                 ; Isolate the decimal number of the ASCII character
            add ax, dx                  ; Add the tens and the units
            mov [hour], ax              ; Save the result
            mov al, date[14]            ; First digit
            and al, 0Fh                 ; Isolate the decimal number of the ASCII character
            mul cl                      ; AX = AL * CL
            mov dl, date[15]            ; Second digit
            and dx, 0Fh                 ; Isolate the decimal number of the ASCII character
            add ax, dx                  ; Add the tens and the units
            mov [minute],ax             ; Save the result
            mov al, date[17]            ; First digit
            and al, 0Fh                 ; Isolate the decimal number of the ASCII character
            mul cl                      ; AX = AL * CL
            mov dl, date[18]            ; Second digit
            and dx, 0Fh                 ; Isolate the decimal number of the ASCII character
            add ax, dx                  ; Add the tens and the units
            mov [second],ax             ; Save the result
        // Stampa su video
        printf("day: %i month: %i year: %i hour: %i minute: %i second: %i \n", day,month,year,hour, minute, second);
        // printf("press a key to go");
        // getchar();
        return 0;

    从ASCII字符中隔离可计算的数字。当您从字符串中获取数字时,您将获得ASCII字符,例如“20”是0x32和0x30。对于像2 * 10 + 0这样的算术,你需要“裸”十进制数。 ASCII数字位于0x30和0x39之间的表中。如果您可以删除该十六进制数中的第一个“3”,则会得到计算机可以计算的数字。这是AND 0Fh的目的。前4位与0000进行AND运算 - 它们变为0.最后4位与1111(F)进行AND运算 - 它们保持原始状态。 0x35 AND 0x0F = 0x05。当你看到减去48或0x30的任何地方时 - 这就是出于同样的目的。

答案 1 :(得分:-1)


mov al, date[0]

应该复制date [0] - &#34; 2&#34;进入地址。我相信代码应该是:

    lea eax,day
    mov [al], date[0]
    mov [eax],al