我正在构建自己的VSTO来替换Word中的标准交叉引用功能。它工作得很好,但是我访问了段落对象的outlineLevel属性。我使用outlineLevel格式化数据网格视图中的可引用项,该视图是自定义任务窗格的一部分。 Word没有正确地勾勒出他们自己的交叉引用面板中的编号项目,我开始怀疑为什么......每次调用paragraph.outlineLevel属性都需要大约。 0.05秒但Winword.exe上的CPU负载仅为5-10%。
奇怪的是我有一个更大的文档(2x大小),对.Parapgraphs.OutlineLevel的调用多10%,但速度提高了4倍! (2s vs 8s)。区别在于大文档有95%编号项目和5%标题,而较小文档比例约为60/40。
For each para in In Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
with para.Range
' This part is quick -> it does 400 paragraphs in under 0.5s
' Collect .text, .ListFormat.ListString, ListNumber, listLevel etc
' Store in own array, array of type, redimmed based on paragraphs.count before I enter the for loop
my_paras(paras_found).number = .ListFormat.ListString
my_paras(paras_found).listLevel = .ListFormat.ListLevelNumber
my_paras(paras_found).referenceText = aReferences(refCount).number + " " + Trim(Left(.Text, Len(.Text) - 1))
' The listlevel is a pretty accurate reflection of the outline level,
' except for numbered lists of level 1
' get the outline level for the paragraphs of list level 1
' This line is a performance killer, for 150 items in my_paras
' it takes 8 seconds
if my_paras(paras_found).listLevel = 1 then my_paras(paras_found).outlinelevel = .Paragraphs.OutlineLevel
paras_found = paras_found + 1
end with