当用户保存任何已编辑的数据时,EditActivity将关闭,用户将返回到特定的CardView。但是CardView没有使用编辑的数据进行更新。 RecycViewView的CardViews列表确实按预期更新,因为如果我退出DetailsActivity退回并返回MainActivity,则编辑的CardView会正确显示。如何在DetailsActivity中刷新单个CardView的视图?
MainActivity (the RecyclerView list)
public void onItemClick(int position, final View view) {
// Create a new intent to send data from this MainActivity to the DetailsActivity
Intent intent = new Intent(this,CardViewDetails.class);
// Send the position of the CardView item that was clicked on in the intent.
DetailsActivity (for the single CardView)
// Get the position of the clicked on RecyclerView list CardView from
// the MainActivity's intent bundle.
Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
if (extras != null) {
// get the CardView item using the int position from the
// MainActivity's onItemClick() and the putExtra in the intent.
position = extras.getInt("position", 0); // 0 is default value
cardView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
// pass the position variable to the start method of
// EditActivity so get the correct data from the db can
// be loaded onto the EditText lines, etc. of the
// EditActivity and that can then be used to pass the
// data back to the MainActivity.
EditActivity (for editing the original CardView data)
// Launches the activity to edit an Item (CardView) that was clicked on from the
// RecyclerView list in the MainActivity file. The intent brings the item's
// position in the RecyclerView Adapter so the correct Item is edited.
public static void start(Context context, ListItem item) {
Intent intent = new Intent(context, ActActivity.class);
// From the OnItemClick method in the MainActivity the RecyclerView item
// position from the Adapter is passed into a putExtra bundle that the
// intent carries to this Activity. The data is then copied in the onCreate()
// below using getIntent().getParcelableExtra(). So this is to update an
// existing CardView item.
public void onClickSaveEdits(View v) {
// Update the user EditText input to the database.
// Close the EditActivity.
**what am I missing here to update/refresh the view for the just edited CardView that is shown in the DetailsActivity?**
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例如,您的onClickSaveEdits(View v)
public void onClickSaveEdits(View v) {
// Update the user EditText input to the database.
// Close the EditActivity.