
时间:2017-05-29 10:36:18

标签: c fork


#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    pid_t pid;
    pid = fork();
    int exitstatus = 0;
    int bSuccess = 1;
    char argv[2][20] = { {0 , 0} };
    if(pid == -1)
        printf("Failed to create Forked process\n");
        bSuccess = 0;
    else if(pid == 0)
        // code for child
        if(-1 == execlp("perl", "perl", "/home/test/", "-b", "/opt/test/test", "-c", "64", "-t", "Imm", "-v", "a.b.c.d", argv[0], argv[1], (char*)0))
        int retCode = waitpid(pid, &exitstatus, WUNTRACED);
        if(retCode != pid)
            printf("Child process is not running\n");
            bSuccess = 0;
        else if (WIFEXITED(exitstatus))
            int statusCode = WEXITSTATUS(exitstatus);
            if (statusCode != 0)
                // How to get more information what the status code means. Is there a way
                // to get more information?
                printf(" execution failed with exit status <%d>\n", statusCode);
                bSuccess = 0;
        else if (WIFSIGNALED(exitstatus))
            // How to get more information what the status code means. Is there a way
            // to get more information?
            printf(" terminated due to uncaught signal <%d>\n", WTERMSIG(exitstatus));
            bSuccess = 0;
        else if (WCOREDUMP(exitstatus))
            printf(" terminated and process is crashed\n");
            bSuccess = 0;
        else if (WIFSTOPPED(exitstatus))
            // How to get more information what the status code means. Is there a way
            // to get more information?
            printf(" has stopped due to signal <%d>\n", WIFSTOPPED(exitstatus));
            bSuccess = 0;
    printf("Success %d\n", bSuccess);



Test.pl执行失败,退出状态为&lt; 13&gt;



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