public class RootUtil {
public static boolean isDeviceRooted() {
return detectRootManagementApps() || detectPotentiallyDangerousApps() || checkForBinary("su")
|| checkForBinary("busybox") || checkForDangerousProps() || checkForRWPaths()
|| detectTestKeys() || checkSuExists();
public static boolean detectTestKeys() {
String buildTags = android.os.Build.TAGS;
String buildFinger= Build.FINGERPRINT;
String product=Build.PRODUCT;
String hardware=Build.HARDWARE;
String display=Build.DISPLAY;
return (buildTags != null) && (buildTags.contains("test-keys")|| buildFinger.contains("genric.*test-keys")||product.contains("generic")||product.contains("sdk")||hardware.contains("goldfish")||display.contains(".*test-keys"));
public static boolean detectRootManagementApps() {
return detectRootManagementApps(null);
public static boolean detectRootManagementApps(String[] additionalRootManagementApps) {
ArrayList<String> packages = new ArrayList<>();
if (additionalRootManagementApps!=null && additionalRootManagementApps.length>0){
return isAnyPackageFromListInstalled(packages);
public static boolean detectPotentiallyDangerousApps() {
return detectPotentiallyDangerousApps(null);
public static boolean detectPotentiallyDangerousApps(String[] additionalDangerousApps) {
ArrayList<String> packages = new ArrayList<>();
if (additionalDangerousApps!=null && additionalDangerousApps.length>0){
return isAnyPackageFromListInstalled(packages);
public boolean detectRootCloakingApps() {
return detectRootCloakingApps(null);
public boolean detectRootCloakingApps(String[] additionalRootCloakingApps) {
ArrayList<String> packages = new ArrayList<>();
if (additionalRootCloakingApps!=null && additionalRootCloakingApps.length>0){
return isAnyPackageFromListInstalled(packages);
public boolean checkForSuBinary(){
return checkForBinary("su");
public boolean checkForBusyBoxBinary(){
return checkForBinary("busybox");
public static boolean checkForBinary(String filename) {
String[] pathsArray = Constants.suPaths;
boolean result = false;
for (String path : pathsArray) {
String completePath = path + filename;
File f = new File(completePath);
boolean fileExists = f.exists();
if (fileExists) {
result = true;
return result;
private static String[] propsReader() {
InputStream inputstream = null;
try {
inputstream = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("getprop").getInputStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
String propval = "";
try {
propval = new Scanner(inputstream).useDelimiter("\\A").next();
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
return propval.split("\n");
private static String[] mountReader() {
InputStream inputstream = null;
try {
inputstream = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("mount").getInputStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
if (inputstream == null) return null;
String propval = "";
try {
propval = new Scanner(inputstream).useDelimiter("\\A").next();
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
return propval.split("\n");
private static boolean isAnyPackageFromListInstalled(List<String> packages){
boolean result = false;
PackageManager pm = MobileTechnicianApp.getAppContext().getPackageManager();
for (String packageName : packages) {
try {
pm.getPackageInfo(packageName, 0);
result = true;
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
return result;
public static boolean checkForDangerousProps() {
final Map<String, String> dangerousProps = new HashMap<>();
dangerousProps.put("ro.debuggable", "1");
dangerousProps.put("ro.secure", "0");
boolean result = false;
String[] lines = propsReader();
for (String line : lines) {
for (String key : dangerousProps.keySet()) {
if (line.contains(key)) {
String badValue = dangerousProps.get(key);
badValue = "[" + badValue + "]";
if (line.contains(badValue)) {
result = true;
return result;
public static boolean checkForRWPaths() {
boolean result = false;
String[] lines = mountReader();
for (String line : lines) {
String[] args = line.split(" ");
if (args.length < 4){
String mountPoint = args[1];
String mountOptions = args[3];
for(String pathToCheck: Constants.pathsThatShouldNotBeWrtiable) {
if (mountPoint.equalsIgnoreCase(pathToCheck)) {
for (String option : mountOptions.split(",")){
if (option.equalsIgnoreCase("rw")){
result = true;
return result;
public static boolean checkSuExists() {
Process process = null;
try {
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] { "which", "su" });
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
return in.readLine() != null;
} catch (Throwable t) {
return false;
} finally {
if (process != null) process.destroy();
1. Lisa New York
2. Carl Los Angeles
3. Steve Chicago
4. Jennifer Houston
5. John New York
6. Paul Chicago
7. Andrew New York
8. Tom New York
9. Nicky Houston
10.Alex Los Angeles
if (isset($_GET["page"])) { $page = $_GET["page"]; } else { $page=1; };
$start_from = ($page-1) * $results_per_page;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl ORDER BY ID ASC LIMIT $start_from, ".$results_per_page;
$rs_result = $conn->query($sql);
while($row = $rs_result->fetch_assoc()) {
<li><? echo $row["id"]; ?></li>
<li><? echo $row["name"]; ?></li>
<li><? echo $row["city"]; ?></li>
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(ID) AS total FROM tbl;
$result = $conn->query($sql);
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
$total_pages = ceil($row["total"] / $results_per_page); // calculate total pages with results
for ($i=1; $i<=$total_pages; $i++) { // print links for all pages
echo "<a href='index.php?page=".$i."'";
if ($i==$page) echo " class='curPage'";
echo ">".$i."</a> ";
答案 0 :(得分:3)
$advertisment_block = ""; //Here define your advertisment
while($row = $rs_result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo '
if(($row_number % 5) == 0)
echo $advertisment_block;
答案 1 :(得分:0)
试试这个: -
while($row = $rs_result->fetch_assoc()) {
if($i==5) {
echo "Your Advertisement";
$i=0; //if you have rows more than 10 and you want to show advertisement block after every fifth row then need to reset $i to 0.
<li><? echo $row["id"]; ?></li>
<li><? echo $row["name"]; ?></li>
<li><? echo $row["city"]; ?></li>