
时间:2017-05-28 19:43:58

标签: haskell pattern-matching monads monad-transformers


newtype ReaderT r m a = ReaderT { runReaderT :: r -> m a }


type Action = ReaderT MongoContext


delete :: MonadIO m => Selection -> Action m ()

我正在尝试使用Action m ()模式mathing检查它是Action IO ()还是Action _ ()


case x of
  Action IO () -> True
  Action _ () -> False


case x of
  ReaderT MongoContext IO () -> True
  ReaderT MongoContext _ () -> False


The constructor ‘ReaderT’ should have 1 argument, but has been given 3
   In the pattern: ReaderT MongoContext IO ()
   In a case alternative:
      ReaderT MongoContext IO ()

我应该通过MongoContext -> IO ()吗?我没有想法,请帮我说一下。谢谢< 3

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



另请注意,您不需要知道&#34;哪个&#34; deletem,因为它专门针对您希望的MonadIO,只要它是deleteIO sel = delete sel :: Action IO ()的实例。您只需声明CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE stringlist IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(4000); / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE cloblist IS TABLE OF CLOB; / CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION blob_to_clob (blob_in IN BLOB) RETURN CLOB AS c_buffer CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 32767; v_clob CLOB; v_varchar VARCHAR2(32767); v_start PLS_INTEGER := 1; BEGIN DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY(v_clob, TRUE); FOR i IN 1 .. CEIL( DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(blob_in) / c_buffer ) LOOP v_varchar := UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(blob_in, c_buffer, v_start)); DBMS_LOB.WRITEAPPEND(v_clob, LENGTH(v_varchar), v_varchar); v_start := v_start + c_buffer; END LOOP; RETURN v_clob; END blob_to_clob; / SHOW ERRORS; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION split_clob( i_str IN CLOB, i_delim IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ',' ) RETURN stringlist /* or cloblist */ DETERMINISTIC PIPELINED AS p_start PLS_INTEGER := 1; p_end PLS_INTEGER; c_len CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH( i_str ); c_ld CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := LENGTH( i_delim ); BEGIN IF c_len > 0 THEN p_end := DBMS_LOB.INSTR( i_str, i_delim, p_start ); WHILE p_end > 0 LOOP PIPE ROW ( DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR( i_str, p_end - p_start, p_start ) ); p_start := p_end + c_ld; p_end := DBMS_LOB.INSTR( i_str, i_delim, p_start ); END LOOP; IF p_start <= c_len + 1 THEN PIPE ROW ( DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR( i_str, c_len - p_start + 1, p_start ) ); END IF; END IF; END; /



答案 1 :(得分:0)

正如Steven Armstrong所说,你要做的事情非常奇怪,你不能在IO上进行模式匹配,因为是抽象数据类型(构造函数不是&t;如果我是你,我会重新思考我想要达到的目标。话虽如此,Haskell仍然提供了一种使用Typeable在运行时检查类型的方法,例如(在ghci会话中):

import Data.Typeable
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader

type MyType = ReaderT String IO

f :: MyType ()
f = ReaderT $ \env -> putStrLn env

checkF :: Typeable a => MyType a -> Bool
checkF x = case show (typeOf x) of
  "ReaderT * [Char] IO ()" -> True
  _                        -> False

-- checkF f => True