
时间:2017-05-28 19:16:30

标签: python python-3.x api dictionary weather


                    "$":"Feels Like Day 
                    Maximum Temperature"
                    "$":"Feels Like Night Minimum Temperature"
                    "$":"Day Maximum Temperature"
                    "$":"Night Minimum Temperature"
                    "$":"Wind Gust Noon"
                    "$":"Wind Gust Midnight"
                    "$":"Screen Relative Humidity Noon"
                    "$":"Screen Relative Humidity Midnight"
                    "$":"Wind Direction"
                    "$":"Wind Speed"
                    "$":"Max UV Index"
                    "$":"Weather Type"
                    "$":"Precipitation Probability Day"
                    "$":"Precipitation Probability Night"
                                "PPd": "59",

问题是我想要打印出所有日间高单位,这些是字典中的Dm键,但我无法将所有单独词典中的键对应的所有数据收集到列表中(或其他任何内容) 。在任何数据类型中收集它们的任何帮助都会非常有用。我的目标是打印出与它们对应的白天高点的日期。

感谢您阅读(和帮助), API的菜鸟

P.S。如果需要,这是我用来获取信息的脚本的副本,它使用的是Met Office(这是英国的天气预报站点)API:

import urllib.request, json, codecs

url = 'Insert API here'
json_obj = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8")
data = json.load(reader(json_obj))
print (data)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

据我所知,您的数据嵌套在SiteRep -> DV -> Location -> Period列表中,特别是其Rep元素,因此您只需要遍历它们,然后选择{{1}值和存储在列表中,存储为字典,其中键是每个句点Dm。类似的东西:


如果dms = {} # use this dict for storage for period in data["SiteRep"]["DV"]["Location"]["Period"]: # loop through periods # use Period's 'value' as a key; pick up Dm values and store them as value, as a list dms[period["value"]] = [v["Dm"] for v in period["Rep"] if "Dm" in v] print(dms) # {'2017-05-29Z': ['18'], '2017-05-28Z': ['22'], '2017-05-30Z': ['18'], # '2017-05-31Z': ['19'], '2017-06-01Z': ['19']} 永远不会出现在Dm的第二个列表元素中(仅限单个值),您可以进一步将其简化为:



dms = {}  # use this dict for storage
for period in data["SiteRep"]["DV"]["Location"]["Period"]:  # loop through periods
    # use Period's 'value' as a key; pick up Dm values and store them as value, as a list
    dms[period["value"]] = period["Rep"][0]["Dm"]

# {'2017-05-29Z': '18', '2017-05-28Z': '22', '2017-05-30Z': '18',
# '2017-05-31Z': '19', '2017-06-01Z': '19'}


答案 1 :(得分:0)


  • 只有一个密钥的字典,SiteRep包含
  • 包含Wx&成员的词典DV
    • Wx是一个包含一个键Param
    • 的词典
    • Param是一个词典列表,每个词典都包含成员:​​$name& units其中$是描述性文字。 就个人而言,我会尝试将其重组为字典词典,其名称为键

data['SiteRep']['Wx']['Param'][0] ==> { '$': 'Feels Like Day Maximum Temperature', 'name': 'FDm', 'units': 'C'}


params = {i['name']:(i['$'], i['units']) for i in data['SiteRep']['Wx']['Param']}
  • DV是包含dataDatetype&密钥的字典。 Location
    • `DV [' dataDate']简直就是这样...... 2017-05-28T17:00:00Z'即数据生成时。
    • ' DV [' location'] is a dictionary with members' i',' lat',' lon', ' name',' country',' continent',' elevation',' Period'`其中大部分是显而易见的
    • DV['location']['Period']长度为5 的列表,提示5天的预测
    • 每个条目都是一个带有键'type', 'value', 'Rep'的字典,其中type&价值是' Day'和分别约会。
    • 每个DV['location']['Period'][ n ]['Rep']是一个包含2个字典的列表,每个字典都带有成员'D', 'Gn', 'Hn', 'PPd', 'S', 'V', 'Dm', 'FDm', 'W', 'U', '$',恰好是data['Wx']['Param']中的名称例外$Day
    • Night例外



print('Date:', d0['value'])
for f in d0['Rep']:
    for k,v in f.items():
        if k in params:
            print(params[k][0], v, params[k][1])


Date: 2017-05-28Z
Wind Direction SE compass                         
Wind Gust Noon 9 mph                              
Screen Relative Humidity Noon 66 %                
Precipitation Probability Day 51 %                
Wind Speed 7 mph                                  
Visibility GO                                     
Day Maximum Temperature 22 C                      
Feels Like Day Maximum Temperature 20 C           
Weather Type 7                                    
Max UV Index 6                                    
Wind Direction ENE compass                        
Wind Gust Midnight 20 mph                         
Screen Relative Humidity Midnight 85 %            
Precipitation Probability Night 42 %              
Wind Speed 9 mph                                  
Visibility VG                                     
Night Minimum Temperature 16 C                    
Feels Like Night Minimum Temperature 15 C         
Weather Type 12