//Connection Variable to establish connection to the database parameters and localhost, user, password
$connection = mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die(mysql_error());
//selects the database called trial and uses the connection details
//Checks to see if a file has been submitted
// if submitted
/*Propriety Information if user needs to be added*/
//Files path with the added extention of a random name at the end.
echo $file;
//Force Open the file in read state
$handle = fopen($file, "r");
//initates a check for the csv
if(($filedata =fgetcsv($handle,1000,",")) !== false )
//While loop with the ammount of data in the csv, fgetcsv grabs all the data that is open. Each cell is restricted to 1000 charachters, then seperated by a comma
while(($filedata =fgetcsv($handle,1000,",")) !== false )
//Cycles through the row and each cell is then put into an array
// Multidimensional array tutorial E- Excel, DBS - Database
$userIDP2 = $filedata[0]; // E 1. User ID , DBS - userid
$height = $filedata[1]; // E 2. Height, DBS - height
$genderIdentifier = $filedata[2]; // E 3. gender, DBS - gender (UserTable)
$testDateChange = $filedata[4]; // E 5. Test Date / Time, DBS - testDate
$weight = $filedata[5]; // E 6. Weight, DBS - weight
$bodyFatMass = $filedata[23]; // E 24. BFM (Body Fat Mass), DBS - bodyFatMass
$SkeletalMuscle = $filedata[32]; // E 33. SMM (Skeletal Muscle Mass), DBS - SkeletalMuscle
$bodyFatP = $filedata[38]; // E 39. BFP (Body Fat Percentage), DBS - bodyFatP
$lean_RA = $filedata[62]; // E 63. LM of Right Arm, DBS - lean_RA
$lean_LA = $filedata[64]; // E 65. LM of Left Arm, DBS - lean_LA
$lean_Trun = $filedata[66]; // E 67. LM of Trunk (Abdomin), DBS - Lean_Trun
$lean_RL = $filedata[68]; // E 69. LM of Right Leg, DBS - lean_RL
$lean_LL = $filedata[70]; // E 71. LM of Left Leg, DBS - lean_LL
$wc_TargetW = $filedata[73]; // E 74 Target Weight, DBS - wc_TargetW
$BMR = $filedata[77]; // E 78.BMR, DBS - BMR
$visceralFat1 = $filedata[81]; // E 82.Visceral Fat Level, DBS - visceralFat
/*Replaces specific characters strings for the associated data */
$userIDR2 = str_replace("<","",$userIDP2);
$userID = str_replace(">","",$userIDR2);
$visceralFat = str_replace("level","",$visceralFat1);
$HyphenDate = str_replace('.','-' , $testDateChange);
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('d-m-Y H:i:s', $HyphenDate);
echo $date->format('Y-m-d h:i:s');
echo $date;
//Variable Declare
$Gender ='';
// To check if Male or Female
if($genderIdentifier == 'M' || $genderIdentifier == 'm'){
$Gender = "Male";
}else if($genderIdentifier == 'F' || $gender == 'f'){
$gender = "Female";
$gender = "intermittent";
//Change the Date Time format
//sql query
INSERT INTO `bodycomp`
`height` ,
`testDate` ,
INSERT INTO `bodycomp`
`height_1` ,
`testDate_1` ,
// Check for user name
$userNameSQL ="SELECT *
FROM user
WHERE username ='".$userID."'";
$userCheck = mysql_query($usernameSQL) or die(mysql_error());
if(mysql_num_rows($userCheck)==1) //If rows are return
$uploadData = mysql_query($sqlBodyCompositionEnd) or die(mysql_error());
echo"Data has uploaded";
echo "Data has not been uploaded";
// Adds a new User
// SQL Query
$sql =" INSERT INTO `user`(`UserName`,`gender`,)
$userID = mysql_insert_id();
$resultNA = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); //run your SQL query
echo"A new User has been added";
// Once a new user has been added, it then tried to add data
$uploadData = mysql_query($sqlBodyCompositionStart) or die(mysql_error());
echo"Data has uploaded";
echo "Data has not been uploaded";
echo "There is no user";
This file grabs the file that was posted and cycles the data in the csv; to avoid duplication of pages, the bottom half the code should check to see if an existing
user is there; if it is, it uses the same code that would be used if the listed memeber wasn't in the database. This means that $sqlBodyComposition should be a
universal variable which will limit duplication.
We need to create a function that checks for a user, returns true and inserts the
$sqlBodyComposition query. If a user doesn't exist, we need to remove "<" and ">"
in the ID insert a new user. When the user is inserted, it is to then insert that
data about the body composition to the user.
It is to return to a page and determine whether it succeeded or not.
所以我在csv文件中有一个日期,我需要php将其转换为更合适的格式,即Y-m-d h:i:s
我需要转换的格式 10.05.2017 18:31:07 它存储为变量/字符串
我使用了str_replace(&#39;。&#39;,&#39; - &#39;,$ date);
答案 0 :(得分:-1)
//Raw Input as string
$raw = "10.05.2017 18:31:07";
//Create date object
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('d.m.Y H:i:s', $raw);
//Print out date object
echo $date->format('Y-m-d h:i:s');
可以在此处找到createFromFormat的文档:Log4j formatting: Is it possible to truncate stacktraces?
答案 1 :(得分:-1)