如何在Zebra iMZ320打印机上调整进纸长度以匹配图像高度

时间:2017-05-26 04:55:49

标签: android image printing zebra-printers zpl

我正在使用Zebra iMZ320打印机。我试图通过Android设备上的Zebra Utilities应用程序打印PNG图像。有没有办法调整进纸长度以匹配图像高度而不拉伸图像?目前,我使用Zebra Setup Utility发送给打印机的唯一命令是:

! U1 "ezpl.media_type" "continuous" ! U1 "ezpl.print_mode" "tear off"

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

通过使用ZEBRA iMZ320,有完整的UIImage打印示例(Objective-C)。我想,您可以使用相同的打印命令并在Java或Kotlin中准备适当的代码:

    UIImage *image = ...; //printing image; default wight should be ~572
    id<ZebraPrinterConnection, NSObject> connection = [[MfiBtPrinterConnection alloc] initWithSerialNumber:serialNumber];
    if (![connection open]) {
        NSLog(@"Printer Error! Please check the printer and try it again.");
    NSError *error = nil;
    id<ZebraPrinter, NSObject> printer = [ZebraPrinterFactory getInstance:connection error:&error];
    PrinterStatus *status = [printer getCurrentStatus:&error];
    if (status == nil) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", [error localizedDescription]);
    } else if (!status.isReadyToPrint) {
        NSLog(@"The printor is not ready to print");
    CGSize imageSize = image.size;
    //Send configuration command with setting "media_type" = "continuous" and "printing height" = "imageSize.height"
    for (NSString *cmd in @[@"! U1 setvar \"ezpl.media_type\" \"continuous\"\r\n",
                            [NSString stringWithFormat:@"! U1 setvar \"zpl.label_length\" \"%d\"\r\n", (int)imageSize.height]]) {
        if (![[printer getToolsUtil] sendCommand:cmd error:&error]) {
            NSLog(error == nil ? @"Printer Error! Please check the printer and try it again." : [error localizedDescription]));
    [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:1];
    if ([[printer getGraphicsUtil] printImage:[image CGImage] atX:0 atY:0 withWidth:-1 withHeight:-1 andIsInsideFormat:false error:&error]) {
        status = [printer getCurrentStatus:&error];
        int i = 0;
        while (!status.isReadyToPrint || i > 30) {
            [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:1];
            status = [printer getCurrentStatus:&error];
        [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:1];
        NSLog(@"Prining should be success");
    } else {
        NSLog(error == nil ? @"Printer Error! Please check the printer and try it again." : [error localizedDescription]));
    for (NSString *cmd in @[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"! U1 setvar \"zpl.label_length\" \"%d\"\r\n", 50],
                            @"PRINT\r\n"]) {
        [[printer getToolsUtil] sendCommand:cmd error:nil];
    [connection close];