
时间:2017-05-24 23:32:44

标签: sql string oracle plsql


1.Column A有a,b,c,def列B有a,c,b它应该返回TRUE


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


    with t1 as( select '1111,1985,433435,5765' as colA from dual union all
                select '232323,7777,8888,9999' as colA from dual union all
                select '111,2000,433435,5765' as colA from dual),
      t2 as ( select '1111,466576,24323' as colB from dual union all
              select '11111,1985,435657' as colb from dual union all
              select '2222,232323,24989323' as colb from dual )

    select colA from t1 where exists(
select 1 from t2 where REGEXP_COUNT(','||t1.colA||',' , ',('||REPLACE(t2.colB, ',' , '|') || '),' ) > 0)

答案 1 :(得分:0)


  ORDER BY x.col_val)intrsctnVal
    (SELECT SUBSTR(REPLACE(COL2,',',''),LEVEL,1) col_val
      (SELECT 'a,b,c' AS COL2 FROM DUAL
      CONNECT BY level <= regexp_count(col2,',')+1
    SELECT SUBSTR(REPLACE(COL1,',',''),LEVEL,1) col_val
      (SELECT 'a,b,c,d' AS COL1 FROM DUAL

答案 2 :(得分:0)

最终,我得到了它) 对我来说,仅使用SQL解决它是一项有趣的任务:

private String key;

public void generateFile() {
    key = kickoffFileGeneration();  // spawns worker thread, creates file in FileCache

public void checkForDownloadReady() {
    STATUS status = FileCache.getFileStatus(key);

    if (status == STATUS.READY) {
        FileCache.setFileStatus(key, STATUS.HANDLED);

    } else if (status == STATUS.FAILED) {
        logger.error("Failure creating file. Wait loop will end.");

    } else if (status == STATUS.OPEN || status == STATUS.NEW){


         B          N SORTED                                                                           BOOL
---------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
         1          1 [a],[b],[c]                                                                      true
         1          2 [ccc],[rr],[vvv]                                                                 false
         1          3 []                                                                               true


SQL> with
  2  t1 as (
  3    select 1 n, 'c,b,a' c from dual
  4    union all
  5    select 2 n, 'vvv,ccc,rr' c from dual
  6    union all
  7    select 3 n, null c from dual),
  8  t2 as (
  9    select 1 n, 'a,b,c' c from dual
 10    union all
 11    select 2 n, 'ccc,rr,125' c from dual
 12    union all
 13    select 3 n, null c from dual),
 14  t12 as (select 1 b, n, c from t1 union all select 2 b, n, c from t2)
 15  select * from t12
 16  /

         B          N C
---------- ---------- ----------
         1          1 c,b,a
         1          2 vvv,ccc,rr
         1          3 
         2          1 a,b,c
         2          2 ccc,rr,125
         2          3 

6 rows selected


SQL> with
  2  t1 as (
  3    select 1 n, 'c,b,a' c from dual
  4    union all
  5    select 2 n, 'vvv,ccc,rr' c from dual
  6    union all
  7    select 3 n, null c from dual),
  8  t2 as (
  9    select 1 n, 'a,b,c' c from dual
 10    union all
 11    select 2 n, 'ccc,rr,125' c from dual
 12    union all
 13    select 3 n, null c from dual),
 14  t12 as (select 1 b, n, c from t1 union all select 2 b, n, c from t2),
 15  t as (select b, n, c, nvl(length(regexp_replace(c, '[^,]+')) + 1, 1) cnt from t12)
 16  select * from t
 17  /

         B          N C                 CNT
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1          1 c,b,a               3
         1          2 vvv,ccc,rr          3
         1          3                     1
         2          1 a,b,c               3
         2          2 ccc,rr,125          3
         2          3                     1

6 rows selected


SQL> with
  2  t1 as (
  3    select 1 n, 'c,b,a' c from dual
  4    union all
  5    select 2 n, 'vvv,ccc,rr' c from dual
  6    union all
  7    select 3 n, null c from dual),
  8  t2 as (
  9    select 1 n, 'a,b,c' c from dual
 10    union all
 11    select 2 n, 'ccc,rr,125' c from dual
 12    union all
 13    select 3 n, null c from dual),
 14  t12 as (select 1 b, n, c from t1 union all select 2 b, n, c from t2),
 15  t as (select b, n, c, nvl(length(regexp_replace(c, '[^,]+')) + 1, 1) cnt from t12),
 16  tbrd as (select b, n, c, cnt, sum(cnt) over (order by b,n) brd from t)
 17  select * from tbrd
 18  /

         B          N C                 CNT        BRD
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1          1 c,b,a               3          3
         1          2 vvv,ccc,rr          3          6
         1          3                     1          7
         2          1 a,b,c               3         10
         2          2 ccc,rr,125          3         13
         2          3                     1         14

6 rows selected


SQL> with
  2  t1 as (
  3    select 1 n, 'c,b,a' c from dual
  4    union all
  5    select 2 n, 'vvv,ccc,rr' c from dual
  6    union all
  7    select 3 n, null c from dual),
  8  t2 as (
  9    select 1 n, 'a,b,c' c from dual
 10    union all
 11    select 2 n, 'ccc,rr,125' c from dual
 12    union all
 13    select 3 n, null c from dual),
 14  t12 as (select 1 b, n, c from t1 union all select 2 b, n, c from t2),
 15  t as (select b, n, c, nvl(length(regexp_replace(c, '[^,]+')) + 1, 1) cnt from t12),
 16  tbrd as (select b, n, c, cnt, sum(cnt) over (order by b,n) brd from t),
 17  allrec as (select level lv from dual connect by level <= (select sum(cnt) from t))
 18  select * from allrec
 19  /


14 rows selected


SQL> with
  2  t1 as (
  3    select 1 n, 'c,b,a' c from dual
  4    union all
  5    select 2 n, 'vvv,ccc,rr' c from dual
  6    union all
  7    select 3 n, null c from dual),
  8  t2 as (
  9    select 1 n, 'a,b,c' c from dual
 10    union all
 11    select 2 n, 'ccc,rr,125' c from dual
 12    union all
 13    select 3 n, null c from dual),
 14  t12 as (select 1 b, n, c from t1 union all select 2 b, n, c from t2),
 15  t as (select b, n, c, nvl(length(regexp_replace(c, '[^,]+')) + 1, 1) cnt from t12),
 16  tbrd as (select b, n, c, cnt, sum(cnt) over (order by b,n) brd from t),
 17  allrec as (select level lv from dual connect by level <= (select sum(cnt) from t)),
 18  step5 as (select r.b, r.n, r.c, regexp_substr(c, '[^,]+', 1, r.brd - a.lv + 1) s from tbrd r, allrec a
 19  where r.brd - a.lv between 0 and r.cnt - 1)
 20  select * from step5
 21  /

         B          N C          S
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1          1 c,b,a      a
         1          1 c,b,a      b
         1          1 c,b,a      c
         1          2 vvv,ccc,rr rr
         1          2 vvv,ccc,rr ccc
         1          2 vvv,ccc,rr vvv
         1          3            
         2          1 a,b,c      c
         2          1 a,b,c      b
         2          1 a,b,c      a
         2          2 ccc,rr,125 125
         2          2 ccc,rr,125 rr
         2          2 ccc,rr,125 ccc
         2          3            

14 rows selected


SQL> with
  2  t1 as (
  3    select 1 n, 'c,b,a' c from dual
  4    union all
  5    select 2 n, 'vvv,ccc,rr' c from dual
  6    union all
  7    select 3 n, null c from dual),
  8  t2 as (
  9    select 1 n, 'a,b,c' c from dual
 10    union all
 11    select 2 n, 'ccc,rr,125' c from dual
 12    union all
 13    select 3 n, null c from dual),
 14  t12 as (select 1 b, n, c from t1 union all select 2 b, n, c from t2),
 15  t as (select b, n, c, nvl(length(regexp_replace(c, '[^,]+')) + 1, 1) cnt from t12),
 16  tbrd as (select b, n, c, cnt, sum(cnt) over (order by b,n) brd from t),
 17  allrec as (select level lv from dual connect by level <= (select sum(cnt) from t)),
 18  step5 as (select r.b, r.n, r.c, regexp_substr(c, '[^,]+', 1, r.brd - a.lv + 1) s from tbrd r, allrec a
 19  where r.brd - a.lv between 0 and r.cnt - 1),
 20  step6 as (
 21  select b, n, listagg('[' || s || ']', ',') within group (order by s) sorted
 22  from step5
 23  group by b, n)
 24  select * from step6
 25  /

         B          N SORTED
---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         1          1 [a],[b],[c]
         1          2 [ccc],[rr],[vvv]
         1          3 []
         2          1 [a],[b],[c]
         2          2 [125],[ccc],[rr]
         2          3 []

6 rows selected




SQL> with
  2  t1 as (
  3    select 1 n, 'c,b,a' c from dual
  4    union all
  5    select 2 n, 'vvv,ccc,rr' c from dual
  6    union all
  7    select 3 n, null c from dual),
  8  t2 as (
  9    select 1 n, 'a,b,c' c from dual
 10    union all
 11    select 2 n, 'ccc,rr,125' c from dual
 12    union all
 13    select 3 n, null c from dual),
 14  t12 as (select 1 b, n, c from t1 union all select 2 b, n, c from t2),
 15  t as (select b, n, c, nvl(length(regexp_replace(c, '[^,]+')) + 1, 1) cnt from t12),
 16  tbrd as (select b, n, c, cnt, sum(cnt) over (order by b,n) brd from t),
 17  allrec as (select level lv from dual connect by level <= (select sum(cnt) from t)),
 18  step5 as (select r.b, r.n, r.c, regexp_substr(c, '[^,]+', 1, r.brd - a.lv + 1) s from tbrd r, allrec a
 19  where r.brd - a.lv between 0 and r.cnt - 1),
 20  step6 as (
 21  select b, n, listagg('[' || s || ']', ',') within group (order by s) sorted
 22  from step5
 23  group by b, n)
 24  select t.*, decode(
 25    (select 1 from step6 z
 26     where z.b = 2 and z.sorted = t.sorted and rownum < 2), 1, 'true', 'false') bool
 27  from step6 t where b = 1
 28  /

         B          N SORTED                                                                           BOOL
---------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
         1          1 [a],[b],[c]                                                                      true
         1          2 [ccc],[rr],[vvv]                                                                 false
         1          3 []                                                                               true


create or replace function comparesepval(vArg1 in varchar2, vArg2 in varchar2) return number result_cache deterministic
  type tpStore is table of number index by varchar2(32);

  tStore1 tpStore;
  tStore2 tpStore;
  nCnt number;
  vVal varchar2(32);
  if (vArg1 is null and vArg2 is null) or (vArg1 = vArg2) then
    return 1;
  end if;

  if vArg1 is null then
    return 0;
  end if;

  nCnt := nvl(length(regexp_replace(vArg1, '[^,]+')), 0) + 1;

  if nCnt = 1 or nCnt <> nvl(length(regexp_replace(vArg2, '[^,]+')), 0) + 1 then -- vArg1 <> vArg2
    return 0;
  end if;

  -- parse string
  for i in 1..nCnt

      procedure prcAgr(vArg in varchar2, tStore in out tpStore)
        vVal varchar2(32) := nvl(regexp_substr(vArg, '(.*?)(,|$)', 1, i, null, 1), ','); -- ',' - for null
        tStore(vVal) := case when tStore.exists(vVal) then tStore(vVal) + 1 else 1 end;

      prcAgr(vArg1, tStore1);
      prcAgr(vArg2, tStore2);
  end loop;

  if tStore1.count <> tStore2.count then
    return 0;
  end if;

  vVal := tStore1.first;
    exit when vVal is null;
    if not tStore2.exists(vVal) then
      return 0;
    end if;
    if tStore2(vVal) <> tStore1(vVal) then
      return 0;
    end if;
    vVal := tStore1.next(vVal);
  end loop;

  return 1;