
时间:2017-05-24 09:23:20

标签: sql postgresql distinct


     purchase_datetime    customer_id  value    purchase_id
    2013-01-08 17:13:29      45236       92        2526
    2013-01-03 15:42:35      45236       16        2565
    2013-01-03 15:42:35      45236       16        2565
    2013-03-08 09:04:52      45236       636       2563
    2013-12-08 12:12:24      45236       23        2505
    2013-12-08 12:12:24      45236       23        2505
    2013-12-08 12:12:24      45236       23        2505
    2013-12-08 12:12:24      45236       23        2505
    2013-07-08 22:35:53      35536       73        2576
    2013-07-08 09:52:03      35536        4        5526
    2013-10-08 16:23:29      52626       20        2226
    2013-04-08 17:49:31      52626       27        4526
    2013-12-09 20:40:53      52626       27        4626



Select customer_id
  sum(case when ( date '2017-01-01'  - purchase_datetime::DATE <=30) then value else 0 end)  as 1month,
  sum( case when ( date '2017-01-01' - purchase_datetime::DATE <=90) then value else 0 end)  as 3month,
  sum( case when ( date '2017-01-01' - purchase_datetime::DATE <=180) then value else 0 end)  as 6month,
  sum( case when ( date '2017-01-01' - purchase_datetime::DATE <=360) then value else 0 end)  as 12month

FROM table_data
GROUP BY (customer_id)
ORDER BY amount_1month DESC;

使用window func可能更好吗?


    purchase_datetime    customer_id  value    purchase_id
    2013-01-08 17:13:29      45236       92        2526
    2013-01-03 15:42:35      45236       16        2565
    2013-03-08 09:04:52      45236       636       2563
    2013-12-08 12:12:24      45236       23        2505
    2013-07-08 22:35:53      35536       73        2576
    2013-07-08 09:52:03      35536        4        5526
    2013-10-08 16:23:29      52626       20        2226
    2013-04-08 17:49:31      52626       27        4526
    2013-12-09 20:40:53      52626       27        4626

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您可以选择子查询,并在该子查询中使用DISTINCT(或GROUP BY)。


  sum(case when purchase_datetime::DATE between current_date - interval '1 month' and current_date then "value" else 0 end)  as "1month",
  sum(case when purchase_datetime::DATE between current_date - interval '3 month' and current_date then "value" else 0 end)  as "3month",
  sum(case when purchase_datetime::DATE between current_date - interval '6 month' and current_date then "value" else 0 end)  as "6month",
  sum(case when purchase_datetime::DATE between current_date - interval '1 year' and current_date then "value" else 0 end)  as "12month"
  distinct purchase_id, customer_id, purchase_datetime,  "value"

  -- distinct on (purchase_id) customer_id, purchase_datetime, "value" 
  -- Note: with this type of distinct you assume that for each purchase_id there is only 1 combination of the 3 other field values.

  from table_data
) p
GROUP BY customer_id
ORDER BY "1month" DESC;


create table table_data (purchase_datetime timestamp(0),customer_id int,"value" int,purchase_id int);
insert into table_data (purchase_datetime,customer_id,"value",purchase_id) values
(current_timestamp - interval '11 month',45236,92,2526),
(current_timestamp - interval '11 month',45236,16,2565),
(current_timestamp - interval '1 month',45236,16,2565),
(current_timestamp - interval '2 month',45236,636,2563),
(current_timestamp - interval '5 month',45236,23,2505),
(current_timestamp - interval '5 month',45236,23,2505),
(current_timestamp - interval '5 month',45236,23,2505),
(current_timestamp - interval '3 month',35536,73,2576),
(current_timestamp - interval '2 month',35536,4,5526),
(current_timestamp - interval '1 month',52626,20,2226),
(current_timestamp - interval '6 month',52626,27,4526),
(current_timestamp - interval '6 month',52626,27,4626);

答案 1 :(得分:0)

select customer_id, sum(value)
from (
    select distinct on (purchase_id) *
    from t
) s
where purchase_datetime >= '2017-07-01'
group by 1
 customer_id | sum 
       35536 |  77
       52626 |  20
       45236 |  23