
时间:2017-05-24 04:27:37

标签: css reactjs styled-components

Here is the image with correct alignment

我想在同一个div中获取图像和文本我尝试使用float left并显示inline-block但没有用我无法在我正在做的地方弄错。

我得到的输出如下 Here is the image after writing code I get it

我在reactjs中使用了样式化的组件。 这些是我使用的样式组件

export const BannerContainer = styled.div`
    width: 1280px
    height: 448px
    margin: auto

导出const BannerImageContainer = styled.div height:448px width:640px float: left export const BannerImage = styled.img padding:96px 96px 96px 96px margin-left:128px

导出const BannerTextContainer = styled.div height:448px width:512px margin-right:128px float: left

导出const BannerHeaderText = styled.h1 width: 352px height: 64px padding-top:40px font-family: Nunito font-size: 28px font-weight: 600 line-height: 1.14 text-align: center

导出const BannerParagraphContainer = styled.p width: 389px height: 72px opacity: 0.38 font-family: Nunito font-size: 16px line-height: 1.5 text-align: center color: #000000

export const SeeAllProductsButton = styled.button width: 160px height: 32px background-color: #7C6ECC color: #FFFFFF border: 0px margin: 32px 112px

这是渲染它的代码             <BannerContainer> <BannerImageContainer> <BannerImage src={bannerImage} /> </BannerImageContainer> <BannerTextContainer> <BannerHeaderText> Solving the most common problems in marketing </BannerHeaderText> <BannerParagraphContainer> Exquisite codially mr happiness of neglected distrusts. Boisterous impossible unaffected he me everything. </BannerParagraphContainer> <SeeAllProductsButton>See All Products</SeeAllProductsButton> </BannerTextContainer> </BannerContainer>

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<div style={{display: 'flex'}}>
   <div style={{flex: '1'}}>
          <BannerImage src={bannerImage} />
   <div style={{flex: '1'}}>
              Solving the most common problems in marketing
             Exquisite codially mr happiness of neglected distrusts.
             Boisterous impossible unaffected he me everything.
          <SeeAllProductsButton>See All Products</SeeAllProductsButton>

只是为了添加更多信息,这是一个非常流行的css组件(不是特定于React),用于正确对齐事物。只是谷歌搜索&#39; flexbox&#39;会给你很多信息,但是一些特定的链接是herehere