如何从Windows命令行启动SourceTree 2?

时间:2017-05-23 12:35:13

标签: powershell atlassian-sourcetree

SourceTree 2.0与SourceTree 1的不同之处在于它使用滚动发布模型 - 例如:

$ ls $env:LOCALAPPDATA\sourcetree

    Directory: C:\Users\mike\AppData\Local\sourcetree

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       27/04/2017     17:12                app-
d-----       09/05/2017     10:44                app-
d-----       09/05/2017     10:44                packages
-a----       08/05/2017     16:25           3225 SquirrelSetup.log
-a----       18/04/2017     23:51        1518408 Update.exe


以前版本的SourceTree包括an 'stree' command,但是“安装命令行工具”选项,但这是MacOS only

如何从Windows命令行启动SourceTree 2?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

知道了。正如Steve Streeting在这里提到的,你可以获得current path the active version of SourceTree 2 from the registry


function stree {
    $SourceTreeCommand = (Get-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\Classes\sourcetree\shell\open\command).'(default)'.split()[0].replace('"','')
    & $SourceTreeCommand -f .