
时间:2017-05-22 16:16:19

标签: swift oop generics protocols



class Base {
    var id: String?
    var name: String?
    var children = [Base]()

class General: Base {
    var thing: String?

class Specific: General {
    var boring: String?

class Other: Base {
    var something: String?
    var another: String?


protocol ObjectParser {
    associatedtype ObjectType

    func createObject() -> ObjectType
    func parseAttributes(element: XMLElement, object: ObjectType)
    func parseElement(_ element: XMLElement) -> ObjectType

class BaseParser: ObjectParser {
    typealias ObjectType = Base

    var shouldParseChildren: Bool {
        return true

    func createObject() -> Base {
        return Base()

    func parseAttributes(element: XMLElement, object: Base) {
        object.id = element.attribute(forName: "id")?.stringValue
        object.name = element.attribute(forName: "name")?.stringValue

    func parseChildren(_ element: XMLElement, parent: Base) {
        if let children = element.children {
            for child in children {
                if let elem = child as? XMLElement, let name = elem.name {
                    var parser: BaseParser? = nil

                    switch name {
                    case "general":
                        parser = GeneralParser()
                    case "specific":
                        parser = SpecificParser()
                    case "other":
                        parser = OtherParser()

                    if let parser = parser {
                        let res = parser.parseElement(elem)

    func parseElement(_ element: XMLElement) -> Base {
        let res = createObject()

        parseAttributes(element: element, object: res)

        if shouldParseChildren {
            parseChildren(element, parent: res)

        return res

class GeneralParser: BaseParser {
    typealias ObjectType = General

    override func createObject() -> General {
        return General()

    func parseAttributes(element: XMLElement, object: General) {
        super.parseAttributes(element: element, object: object)

        object.thing = element.attribute(forName: "thing")?.stringValue

class SpecificParser: GeneralParser {
    typealias ObjectType = Specific

    override func createObject() -> Specific {
        return Specific()

    func parseAttributes(element: XMLElement, object: Specific) {
        super.parseAttributes(element: element, object: object)

        object.boring = element.attribute(forName: "boring")?.stringValue


此版本的代码几乎可以使用。您会注意到overrideparseAttributes类中的GeneralParser方法没有SpecificParser。我认为这是由于object参数的不同类型。结果是,未使用parseAttributes parseElement方法调用特定于解析器的BaseParser方法。我通过将所有parseAttributes签名更新为:

func parseAttributes(element: XMLElement, object: Base)


override func parseAttributes(element: XMLElement, object: Base) {
    super.parseAttributes(element: element, object: object)

    let general = object as! General
    general.thing = element.attribute(forName: "thing")?.stringValue


如何在parseAttributes方法层次结构中消除强制转换的需要并使用协议的关联类型?更一般的说,这是解决这个问题的正确方法吗?还有更多" Swift"解决这个问题的方法?


<other id="top-level" name="Hi">
    <general thing="whatever">
        <specific boring="yes"/>
        <specific boring="probably"/>
        <other id="mid-level">

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


func createObject(from element: XMLElement) -> Base {
    switch element.name {
    case "base":
        let base = Base()
        initialize(base: base, from: element)
        return base
    case "general":
        let general = General()
        initialize(general: general, from: element)
        return general
    case "specific":
        let specific = Specific()
        initialize(specific: specific, from: element)
        return specific
    case "other":
        let other = Other()
        initialize(other: other, from: element)
        return other

func initialize(base: Base, from element: XMLElement) {
    base.id = element.attribute(forName: "id")?.stringValue
    base.name = element.attribute(forName: "name")?.stringValue
    base.children = element.children.map { createObject(from: $0) }

func initialize(general: General, from element: XMLElement) {
    general.thing = element.attribute(forName: "thing")?.stringValue
    initialize(base: general, from: element)

func initialize(specific: Specific, from element: XMLElement) {
    specific.boring = element.attribute(forName: "boring")?.stringValue
    initialize(general: specific, from: element)

func initialize(other: Other, from element: XMLElement) {
    other.something = element.attribute(forName: "something")?.stringValue
    other.another = element.attribute(forName: "another")?.stringValue
    initialize(base: other, from: element)


- 添加 -


我仍然想知道是否有更通用的解决方案   处理调用重载(未覆盖)的整体问题   来自Swift中基类的方法(如parseAttributes)。


class Foo {
    func bar(with: Int) {
        print("bar with int called")

class SubFoo: Foo {
    func bar(with: String) {
        print("bar with string called")

let foo: Foo = SubFoo()

foo.bar(with: 12) // can't access bar(with: Double) here because foo is of type Foo
(foo as? SubFoo)?.bar(with: "hello") // (foo as? SubFoo)? will allow you to call the overload if foo is a SubFoo

let subFoo = SubFoo()

// can call either here
subFoo.bar(with: "hello")
subFoo.bar(with: 12)