
时间:2017-05-22 15:11:24

标签: c# asp.net-mvc entity-framework

使用ASP.NET MVC,.NET Framework 4.5.2,SQL DB的实体数据模型,Visual Studio 2017。

我有一个从ADO.NET生成的类(来自数据库的EF Designer):


 namespace LibraryMS
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;

public partial class BookInfo
    public string BookID { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Author { get; set; }
    public string Publisher { get; set; }
    public string PublishDate { get; set; }
    public string Edition { get; set; }

    public virtual Inventory Inventory { get; set; }

数据库设计在" BookID"在BookInfo表中有一个外键" BookID"在库存表中。 为了更新" BookID"引用的广告资源属性,我继续查询列表并更新正确的实例。


enter image description here

当登陆页面输入信息时,点击"创建"时会调用[HttpGet] UpdateInventory()。按钮如上图所示,调用[HttpPost] UpdateInventory(...)。


    public  ActionResult UpdateInventory()
        return View();

    public async Task<ActionResult> UpdateInventory(string bookID, string ttlIn, string lowin, string outnow)
        var bf = await SqlRestApiHelper.searchFromBooks(bookID);

        bf.Inventory.TotalIn = Convert.ToInt16(ttlIn);
        bf.Inventory.LowIn = Convert.ToInt16(lowin);
        bf.Inventory.Out = Convert.ToInt16(outnow);
        await SqlRestApiHelper.UpdateBookInfoInventory(bf.Inventory);

        await SqlRestApiHelper.SaveChanges();
        return View("All");            

    public async Task<ActionResult> All()
        return View(await SqlRestApiHelper.getAllBooksInfo(0, 10));


namespace LibraryMS
public static class SqlRestApiHelper
   private static libraryDBEntities entities = new libraryDBEntities();

    public static async Task<LibraryMS.BookInfo> searchFromBooks(string id)
       return entities.BookInfoes.ToList().Find(book => book.BookID == id);

    public static async Task UpdateBookInfoInventory(LibraryMS.Inventory inv)
        var newInv = inv;

        var el = entities.BookInfoes.ToList().Find(x => x.Inventory.BookID == newInv.BookID);
        if (el != null) 
            el.Inventory.TotalIn = newInv.TotalIn;
            el.Inventory.LowIn = newInv.LowIn;
            el.Inventory.Out = newInv.Out;
            // the above updates the list item referenced


    public static async Task SaveChanges()
       await entities.SaveChangesAsync();

 public static async Task<IPagedList<BookInfo>> getAllBooksInfo(int page, int itemsPerPage)
        List<BookInfo> bookinfo = new List<BookInfo>();

            bookinfo = (from o in entities.BookInfoes
                      orderby o.Title descending //use orderby, otherwise Skip will throw an error
                      select o)
                      .Skip(itemsPerPage * page).Take(itemsPerPage)
        int totalCount = bookinfo.Count();//return the number of pages
        IPagedList<BookInfo> pagebooks = new StaticPagedList<BookInfo>(bookinfo, page + 1,10,totalCount);
        return pagebooks;//the query is now already executed, it is a subset of all the orders.


enter image description here


 @model PagedList.IPagedList<LibraryMS.BookInfo>
 @using PagedList.Mvc;
ViewBag.Title = "All";


 <table class="table">

 @foreach (var item in Model) {
        @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Title)
        @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Author)
        @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Publisher)
        @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.PublishDate)
        @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Edition)

        @Html.ActionLink("Details","Details",new { item.BookID})


 @Html.PagedListPager(Model, page => Url.Action("All","BookInfoController", new { page }))

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您的视图引发错误,因为您在不传递模型的情况下返回视图,而是在不传递模型的情况下使用return View("All") 正确的方法是通过视图传递模型,你可以这样做  View("ViewName", ModelData);


return View("All", await SqlRestApiHelper.getAllBooksInfo(0, 10));

对于保存部分我不知道为什么,但我可以看到很少的错误, 首先,如果书没有库存信息怎么办? 它将抛出null错误,因此首先检查是否为null,创建新库存,如果不相应更新 这是我将如何做到这一点

 public static async Task UpdateBookInfoInventory(Inventory inv)
    var newInv = inv;
     // get book info
    var el = entities.BookInfoes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BookID == inv.BookID);
    if (el != null) 
         if(el.Inventory != null)
           // update accordingly
        el.Inventory.TotalIn = newInv.TotalIn;
        el.Inventory.LowIn = newInv.LowIn;
        el.Inventory.Out = newInv.Out;
        // the above updates the list item referenced
        /// add new if null 
         el.inventory = newInv;  
   await SqlRestApiHelper.SaveChanges();


答案 1 :(得分:0)

作为第一步,将断点放在getAllBooksInfo方法中,查看Visual Studio中是否有列表计数。这对你有很大帮助。




     **public static async Task<IPagedList<BookInfo>> getAllBooksInfo(int page, int itemsPerPage)
            List<BookInfo> bookinfo = new List<BookInfo>();

                bookinfo = (from o in entities.BookInfoes
                          orderby o.Title descending //use orderby, otherwise Skip will throw an error
                          select o)
                          .Skip(itemsPerPage * page).Take(itemsPerPage)
            int totalCount = bookinfo.Count();//return the number of pages

//changes made to the below line

            IPagedList<BookInfo> pagebooks = bookinfo.ToPagedList(1, 10);

            return pagebooks;//the query is now already executed, it is a subset of all the orders.

官方来源: https://github.com/troygoode/PagedList


