I'm trying to get some information with the Get-Counter
method in PowerShell.
When I tried to get the actual processor frequency, I noticed that I get multiple values because there are multiple instances.
the overall frequency (will ever be 0),
the overall frequency of the first processor (also ever 0)
and 0,0
up to 0,3
for each core.
To get the information I use:
(Get-Counter "\Prozessorinformationen(*)\Prozessorfrequenz").countersamples
The wildcard specifies for which instance/-s the information is fetched (in this case all)
Path InstanceName CookedValue
---- ------------ -----------
\\mypc\prozessorinformationen(_total)\prozessorfrequenz _total 0
\\mypc\prozessorinformationen(0,_total)\prozessorfrequenz 0,_total 0
\\mypc\prozessorinformationen(0,3)\prozessorfrequenz 0,3 2601
\\mypc\prozessorinformationen(0,2)\prozessorfrequenz 0,2 2601
\\mypc\prozessorinformationen(0,1)\prozessorfrequenz 0,1 2601
\\mypc\prozessorinformationen(0,0)\prozessorfrequenz 0,0 2601
Now I wanted only the results for the single cores. In this special case I could use 0,?
to get the expected result, but if I've (just theoretically) 100000 cores, the number of cores has as much characters as '_total'.
Finally, what i want to know, is it possible to specify a wildcard in a string to accept only values of a specified type (like in this case 'digit'), or do i have to pipe and filter the result?
I tried to use [0-9]
but this didn't work