Laravel Storage ::扩展无法正常工作

时间:2017-05-22 04:21:23

标签: php laravel dropbox service-provider laravel-storage

我无法弄清楚我哪里出错了。我通过作曲家安装spatie/flysystem-dropbox来复制Laravel文档中的DropboxServiceProvider,添加了提供给config\app.php的服务,运行composer dump autoload,但我仍然得到以下内容,因此我遵循了Laravel文档错误讯息:

PHP error:  Undefined index: driver in /***/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/FilesystemManager.php on line 112



namespace App\Providers;

use Storage;
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use Spatie\Dropbox\Client as DropboxClient;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Spatie\FlysystemDropbox\DropboxAdapter;

class DropboxServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Perform post-registration booting of services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()
        Storage::extend('dropbox', function ($app, $config) {
            $client = new DropboxClient(

            return new Filesystem(new DropboxAdapter($client));

     * Register bindings in the container.
     * @return void
    public function register()

这是我的config / app / php:

         * Application Service Providers...
        // App\Providers\BroadcastServiceProvider::class,


最后,这是我的config / filesystems.php:


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


            'driver' => 'dropbox',  <=== THIS WAS MISSING

答案 1 :(得分:0)

使用Dropbox扩展存储的一个好的Pacakge:     详细文档:

steps for use this package :
1 : composer require graham-campbell/dropbox in your cmd window
2 : after this you have to register service provider for laravel dropbox,
    go to config/app.php
    and add 'GrahamCampbell\Dropbox\DropboxServiceProvider' this in provider array
    and 'Dropbox' => 'GrahamCampbell\Dropbox\Facades\Dropbox' this to aliases array
3: now you have to publish pacakge so 'php artisan vendor:publish' run this in your cmd
    - this will create dropbox.php file in your config in this file you have to add your credentials
4: here you have two option for connection you can use it according to your choice.

usage : 
simple example : 
use GrahamCampbell\Dropbox\Facades\Dropbox;
// you can alias this in config/app.php if you like

// we're done here - how easy was that, it just works!

// this example is simple, and there are far more methods available