Pandas IndexSlice是如何工作的

时间:2017-05-20 15:26:33

标签: python pandas

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如果您向下滚动(Ctrl + F:练习:选择评论最多的啤酒)到Exercise: Select the most-reviewd beers部分:

数据框是多索引的: enter image description here


top_beers = df['beer_id'].value_counts().head(10).index
reviews.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, top_beers], ['beer_name', 'beer_style']]


reviews.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, top_beers, :], ['beer_name', 'beer_style']] 

有三个索引,pofile_namebeed_idtime。为什么pd.IndexSlice[:, top_beers]有效(没有说明如何处理时间列)?

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由此可见,class IndexSlice(object): def __getitem__(self, arg): return arg 仅转发了pd.IndexSlice收到的参数。看起来很傻,不是吗?但是,它实际上可以执行某些操作。

您已经知道,如果您通过对象的括号运算符__getitem__访问对象obj,则会调用obj.__getitem__(arg)。对于序列类型的对象,obj[arg]可以是整数,也可以是slice object。我们很少自己构造切片。相反,我们将为此使用切片运算符arg(又称省略号),例如:

这就是重点。 python解释器在调用对象的obj[0:5]方法之前将这些分片运算符:转换为分片对象。因此,__getitem__(arg)的返回值实际上将是一个切片,一个整数(如果未使用IndexSlice.__getItem__())或其中的一个元组(如果传递了多个参数)。总之,:的唯一目的是我们不必自己构造切片。此行为对IndexSlice尤其有用。



因此所有冒号import pandas as pd idx = pd.IndexSlice print(idx[0]) # 0 print(idx[0,'a']) # (0, 'a') print(idx[:]) # slice(None, None, None) print(idx[0:3]) # slice(0, 3, None) print(idx[0:3,'a':'c']) # (slice(0, 3, None), slice('a', 'c', None)) 都被转换为相应的切片对象。如果将多个参数传递给索引运算符,则这些参数将作为n元组返回。



因此,总而言之,# Let's first construct a table with a three-level # row-index, and single-level column index. import numpy as np level0 = range(0,10) level1 = list('abcdef') level2 = ['I', 'II', 'III', 'IV'] mi = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([level0, level1, level2]) df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random([len(mi),2]), index=mi, columns=['col1', 'col2']) # Return 'col1', select all rows. df.loc[:,'col1'] # pd.Series # Note: in the above example, the returned value has type # pd.Series, because only one column is returned. One can # enforce the returned object to be a data-frame: df.loc[:,['col1']] # pd.DataFrame, or df.loc[:,'col1'].to_frame() # # Select all rows with top-level values 0:3. df.loc[0:3, 'col1'] # If we want to create a slice for multiple index levels # we need to pass somehow a list of slices. The following # however leads to a SyntaxError because the slice # operator ':' cannot be placed inside a list declaration. df.loc[[0:3, 'a':'c'], 'col1'] # The following is valid python code, but looks clumsy: df.loc[(slice(0, 3, None), slice('a', 'c', None)), 'col1'] # Here is why pd.IndexSlice is useful. It helps # to create a slice that makes use of two index-levels. df.loc[idx[0:3, 'a':'c'], 'col1'] # We can also expand the slice specification by third level. df.loc[idx[0:3, 'a':'c', 'I':'III'], 'col1'] # A solitary slicing operator ':' means: take them all. # It is equivalent to slice(None). df.loc[idx[0:3, 'a':'c', :], 'col1'] # pd.Series # Semantically, this is equivalent to the following, # because the last ':' in the previous example does # not add any information about the slice specification. df.loc[idx[0:3, 'a':'c'], 'col1'] # pd.Series # The following lines are also equivalent, but # both expressions evaluate to a result with multiple columns. df.loc[idx[0:3, 'a':'c', :], :] # pd.DataFrame df.loc[idx[0:3, 'a':'c'], :] # pd.DataFrame 有助于在为行和列索引指定切片时提高可读性。

大熊猫随后对这些切片规格的处理是另一回事。从本质上讲,它从最上层的索引级别开始选择行/列,并在向下移动到更低级别时减少选择,具体取决于已指定的级别数。 pd.IndexSlice是具有自己的pd.DataFrame.loc功能的对象,可以完成所有这些操作。




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