
时间:2017-05-19 20:55:46

标签: sql sql-server date-range


-- New Files
select distinct datepart(MM, ws.CaseOpenDate) as 'Month',
    datepart(yyyy, ws.CaseOpenDate) as 'Year',
    count(ws.WorksheetID) as 'Count'
into #newfiles
from LGSIntersect lgs
    join Worksheet ws on ws.LGSIntersectID = lgs.LGSIntersectID
where ws.CaseOpenDate between '01/01/2016' and '03/01/2017'
    and lgs.GroupCodeID = '307'
group by datepart(MM, ws.CaseOpenDate), datepart(yyyy, ws.CaseOpenDate)

-- Open Files
select distinct datepart(MM, ws.CaseOpenDate) as 'Month',
    datepart(yyyy, ws.CaseOpenDate) as 'Year',
    datepart(MM, ws.CloseDate) as 'CloseMonth',
    datepart(yyyy, ws.CloseDate) as 'CloseYear',
    count(ws.WorksheetID) as 'Count'
into #openfiles
from LGSIntersect lgs
    join Worksheet ws on ws.LGSIntersectID = lgs.LGSIntersectID
where ws.CaseOpenDate <= '03/01/2017'
    and (ws.CloseDate is null or ws.CloseDate >= '01/01/2016')
    and lgs.GroupCodeID = '307'
group by datepart(MM, ws.CaseOpenDate), datepart(yyyy, ws.CaseOpenDate),
    datepart(MM, ws.CloseDate), datepart(yyyy, ws.CloseDate)

-- New Investigations
select distinct datepart(MM, ws.InvestigationDate) as 'Month',
    datepart(yyyy, ws.InvestigationDate) as 'Year',
    count(ws.WorksheetID) as 'Count'
into #newinv
from LGSIntersect lgs
    join Worksheet ws on ws.LGSIntersectID = lgs.LGSIntersectID
where ws.InvestigationDate between '01/01/2016' and '03/01/2017'
    and lgs.GroupCodeID = '307'
group by datepart(MM, ws.InvestigationDate),
    datepart(yyyy, ws.InvestigationDate)

-- Ques Sent
select distinct 
    datepart(MM, qpd.PrintDate) as 'Month',
    datepart(yyyy, qpd.PrintDate) as 'Year',
    count(qpd.QuestionnairePrintDetailID) as 'Count'
into #ques
from LGSIntersect lgs
    join QuestionnairePrintDetail qpd 
        on qpd.LGSIntersectID = lgs.LGSIntersectID
where qpd.PrintDate between '01/01/2016' and '03/01/2017'
    and lgs.GroupCodeID = '307'
group by datepart(MM, qpd.PrintDate),
    datepart(yyyy, qpd.PrintDate)

select distinct
    isnull(sum(q.Count), 0) as '# of Ques Sent',
    isnull(sum(ni.Count), 0) as '# of New Investigations',
    isnull(sum(nf.Count), 0) as '# of New Files',
    isnull(sum(opf.Count), 0) as '# of Open Files'
from #newfiles nf 
    left join #ques q on q.Month = nf.Month and q.Year = nf.Year
    left join #newinv ni on ni.Month = nf.Month and ni.Year = nf.Year
    left join #openfiles opf on (opf.Month + opf.Year <= nf.Month + nf.Year) 
        and (opf.CloseMonth is null 
            or (opf.CloseMonth + opf.CloseYear > nf.Month + nf.Year))
group by nf.Month, nf.Year

现在无法确定它只是对每个月/每年中打开的文件总数进行求和(与“发送的#的数量”和“新文件的数量”不同,后者在我删除时正确计算打开文件的逻辑)。任何提示将不胜感激 - 如果我需要提供其他信息,请告诉我。我正在休病假6个月,所以我生气了。谢谢!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

以下是我认为问题的要点 - 对于新文件,如果文件在01/01/2016打开,那么新文件的结果集将只有一个月的记录 如果是打开文件,如果在01/01/2016打开一个文件并且关闭日期为空(我猜这意味着仍然打开),那么打开文件的结果集将需要每个月都有记录(即15个记录) 15个月以来,记录已经开放了所有这几个月。因此,一个文件记录的开始日期为01/01/2016,结束日期为null,应在结果集中生成15条记录。而在新文件的情况下,此文件记录将仅生成一个记录,即结果集中的1月份。


  • 一个单独的表格,用于维护所有年度月份的列表。
  • 在此年月表中应用您的日期范围过滤器。
  • 使用此年月表作为主表 - 左外连接到 你的文件表。如果年月份落在单个文件的开始日期和日期之间,则计为1。否则为0。
  • 汇总/汇总上述计数,以年份为单位的分组。这应该会为您指定在您指定的日期范围内每个月打开的文件数。

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MonthsTable Left Outer Join FilesTable
ON CaseOpenDate&lt; = MonthEndDate

(CaseCloseDate&gt; MonthEndDate或CaseCloseDate IS NULL)
