
时间:2017-05-18 17:39:22

标签: c# multithreading deadlock devforce

我们最近开始采用严重依赖DevForce并通过Web API公开它的业务逻辑。我们一直非常小心地通过确保每个请求都有自己的一组实体,它自己的EntityManager等来避免线程问题。但是,我们已经开始注意到逻辑死锁(在.net代码中,而不是SQL)当有很多并发请求时。


我在下面创建了一个简单的可重现案例,其中涉及只有两个属性的实体。一个是整数属性,另一个是字符串属性。我有BeforeSet逻辑来保持这两者彼此同步。在一次设置属性的简单情况下,一切正常。但是,由于我们正在处理web api,因此并行执行的事情非常常见。如果我们收到一个设置IntValue的请求和另一个设置StringValue的请求,我们就会遇到死锁。即使我们在两个不同的EntityManager中讨论两个不同的实体,也是如此。从我们的角度来看,我们以线程安全的方式做所有事情但是DevForce有一些非常长寿命的锁,我们知道它可能很危险。


public static void ReproduceDeadlock()
    var e1 = new MyEntity();
    var e2 = new MyEntity();

    //This works - settings fields one at a time is fine
    e1.IntValue = 1;
    e2.StringValue = "2";

    //But if we introduce some concurrency, we'll become deadlocked
    Task.Run(() =>
        //Wait a bit so e1.IntValue has a chance to start

        e2.StringValue = "22";

    e1.IntValue = 11;

    //Execution will never make it hear...setting the IntValue will never complete

public class MyEntity : Entity
    public void BeforeSetStringValue(PropertyInterceptorArgs<MyEntity, string> args)
        //When the string is set, 'sync' it to the IntValue property
        IntValue = int.Parse(args.Value);

    public void BeforeSetIntValue(PropertyInterceptorArgs<MyEntity, int> args)
        //When the int is set, 'sync' it to the StringValue property

        //Introduce a delay so the deadlock will obviously happen.  In our real app, we don't have
        //  a Thread.Sleep() but we do have non-trivial logic that can cause just enough delay for the deadlock
        //  to happen sometimes
        StringValue = args.Value.ToString();

    #region PropertyMetadata stuff

    public class PropertyMetadata
        public static readonly DataEntityProperty<MyEntity, string> StringValue =
            new DataEntityProperty<MyEntity, string>("StringValue", true, false,
                ConcurrencyStrategy.None, false, null,

        public static readonly DataEntityProperty<MyEntity, int> IntValue =
            new DataEntityProperty<MyEntity, int>("IntValue", true, false,
                ConcurrencyStrategy.None, false, null,

    public string StringValue
        get { return PropertyMetadata.StringValue.GetValue(this); }
        set { PropertyMetadata.StringValue.SetValue(this, value); }

    public int IntValue
        get { return PropertyMetadata.IntValue.GetValue(this); }
        set { PropertyMetadata.IntValue.SetValue(this, value); }



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

斯蒂芬,也许我确实为你做了一个解决方法。在拦截器操作中,您可以使用SetValueRaw将值同步到另一个属性,并避免通过其拦截器(和验证)。该方法在公共IStructuralObject接口上可用,虽然仅作为内部使用记录,但我们不打算更改。 EntityAspect和ComplexAspect类都实现了这个接口。


public void BeforeSetStringValue(PropertyInterceptorArgs<MyEntity, string> args)
    //When the string is set, 'sync' it to the IntValue property
    (this.EntityAspect as IStructuralObject).SetValueRaw(PropertyMetadata.IntValue, int.Parse(args.Value));

public void BeforeSetIntValue(PropertyInterceptorArgs<MyEntity, int> args)
    //When the int is set, 'sync' it to the StringValue property

    //Introduce a delay so the deadlock will obviously happen.  In our real app, we don't have
    //  a Thread.Sleep() but we do have non-trivial logic that can cause just enough delay for the deadlock
    //  to happen sometimes

    (this.EntityAspect as IStructuralObject).SetValueRaw(PropertyMetadata.StringValue, args.Value.ToString());


public static void SetValueWithVerification(IStructuralObject so, DataEntityProperty property, object newValue)
    if (so.VerifierEngine != null && so.VerifierEngine.Enabled && so.EntityGroup.VerificationEnabled)
        if ((property.MemberMetadata.VerifierSetterOptions & VerifierSetterOptions.BeforeSet) > 0)
            so.ValidatePropertyBeforeSet(property, newValue);

        so.SetValueWithChangeNotification(property, newValue);

        if ((property.MemberMetadata.VerifierSetterOptions & VerifierSetterOptions.AfterSet) > 0)
            so.ValidatePropertyAfterSet(property, newValue);
        so.SetValueWithChangeNotification(property, newValue);


SetValueWithVerification(this.EntityAspect, PropertyMetadata.StringValue, args.Value.ToString());