
时间:2017-05-18 17:08:27

标签: python list coordinates elements


List_1= [
    'Sta     Pno     Azimuth      Distance     Latitude     Departure ', 
    'T1      X       170.7011111   22.236       21.9438      -3.593    ', 
    'T1      X       170.0        20.0         19.6962      -3.473    ', 
    'T2      X       30.22833333   6.083        -5.2559      -3.0625   ', 
    'T3      X       154.5155556   98.212       88.6562      -42.2573  ', 
    'T4      CHB     351.4977778   93.637       -92.6079     13.844    ', 
    '' ]

List_2= [
    'Sta     Northing     Easting   ', 
    'T1      2000         2000      ',
    'T2      1500         1600      ', 
    'T3      2400         2200      ', 
    'T4      2600         2800      ', 
    '' ]


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
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# deal with headings separately from rest of data. # also split each heading into a list of string rather than single string. l1_headings, l2_headings = List_1.pop(0).split(), List_2.pop(0).split() # put each row of List_1 in a list of dictionary using headings as keys l1_dicts = [{k:v for k, v in zip(l1_headings, row.split())} for row in List_1 if row != ''] # put each row of List_2 in a dictionary of dictionaries indexed by 'Sta' l2_by_Sta = {} for row in List_2: if row == '': continue d = {k:v for k, v in zip(l2_headings, row.split())} l2_by_Sta[d['Sta']] = d # update l1_dicts from data in l2_by_Sta for d in l1_dicts: d.update(l2_by_Sta[d['Sta']]) 现在包含:


如果您需要将此数据写入文本文件,请使用[{'Azimuth': '170.7011111', 'Departure': '-3.593', 'Distance': '22.236', 'Easting': '2000', 'Latitude': '21.9438', 'Northing': '2000', 'Pno': 'X', 'Sta': 'T1'}, {'Azimuth': '170.0', 'Departure': '-3.473', 'Distance': '20.0', 'Easting': '2000', 'Latitude': '19.6962', 'Northing': '2000', 'Pno': 'X', 'Sta': 'T1'}, {'Azimuth': '30.22833333', 'Departure': '-3.0625', 'Distance': '6.083', 'Easting': '1600', 'Latitude': '-5.2559', 'Northing': '1500', 'Pno': 'X', 'Sta': 'T2'}, {'Azimuth': '154.5155556', 'Departure': '-42.2573', 'Distance': '98.212', 'Easting': '2200', 'Latitude': '88.6562', 'Northing': '2400', 'Pno': 'X', 'Sta': 'T3'}, {'Azimuth': '351.4977778', 'Departure': '13.844', 'Distance': '93.637', 'Easting': '2800', 'Latitude': '-92.6079', 'Northing': '2600', 'Pno': 'CHB', 'Sta': 'T4'}]