即使步骤完成,Spring Batch作业也会失败

时间:2017-05-18 14:19:07

标签: java spring batch-file spring-batch

我有一个包含三个步骤的Spring Batch作业。第一步运行一次,第二步和第三步运行队列中的每个项目。这份工作的代码:

return jobBuilderFactory.get("job")
        .incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())


public ExitStatus afterStep(StepExecution stepExecution) {
    if (queue.size() > 0) {
        return new ExitStatus("CONTINUE");
    } else {
        return new ExitStatus("COMPLETED");






2017-05-18 10:08:10.327 [INFO ] c.d.r.r.BatchApplication - Starting BatchApplication on <computer_name> with PID <pid>
2017-05-18 10:08:10.329 [DEBUG] c.d.r.r.BatchApplication - Running with Spring Boot v1.4.1.RELEASE, Spring v4.3.3.RELEASE
2017-05-18 10:08:10.330 [INFO ] c.d.r.r.BatchApplication - The following profiles are active: <profile>
2017-05-18 10:08:10.367 [INFO ] o.s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext - Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@163e4e87: startup date [Thu May 18 10:08:10 CDT 2017]; root of context hierarchy
2017-05-18 10:08:10.891 [WARN ] o.s.c.a.ConfigurationClassEnhancer - @Bean method ScopeConfiguration.stepScope is non-static and returns an object assignable to Spring's BeanFactoryPostProcessor interface. This will result in a failure to process annotations such as @Autowired, @Resource and @PostConstruct within the method's declaring @Configuration class. Add the 'static' modifier to this method to avoid these container lifecycle issues; see @Bean javadoc for complete details.
2017-05-18 10:08:10.899 [WARN ] o.s.c.a.ConfigurationClassEnhancer - @Bean method ScopeConfiguration.jobScope is non-static and returns an object assignable to Spring's BeanFactoryPostProcessor interface. This will result in a failure to process annotations such as @Autowired, @Resource and @PostConstruct within the method's declaring @Configuration class. Add the 'static' modifier to this method to avoid these container lifecycle issues; see @Bean javadoc for complete details.
2017-05-18 10:08:11.023 [INFO ] c.d.r.config.BaseBatchConfiguration - ****************************************************************************
2017-05-18 10:08:11.024 [INFO ] c.d.r.config.BaseBatchConfiguration - **********  _____  __  __ _____     _____             __ _        **********
2017-05-18 10:08:11.024 [INFO ] c.d.r.config.BaseBatchConfiguration - ********** |  __ \|  \/  |  __ \   / ____|           / _(_)       **********
2017-05-18 10:08:11.024 [INFO ] c.d.r.config.BaseBatchConfiguration - ********** | |__) | \  / | |__) | | |     ___  _ __ | |_ _  __ _  **********
2017-05-18 10:08:11.024 [INFO ] c.d.r.config.BaseBatchConfiguration - ********** |  _  /| |\/| |  ___/  | |    / _ \| '_ \|  _| |/ _` | **********
2017-05-18 10:08:11.024 [INFO ] c.d.r.config.BaseBatchConfiguration - ********** | | \ \| |  | | |      | |___| (_) | | | | | | | (_| | **********
2017-05-18 10:08:11.024 [INFO ] c.d.r.config.BaseBatchConfiguration - ********** |_|  \_\_|  |_|_|       \_____\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, | **********
2017-05-18 10:08:11.024 [INFO ] c.d.r.config.BaseBatchConfiguration - **********                                                  __/ | **********
2017-05-18 10:08:11.024 [INFO ] c.d.r.config.BaseBatchConfiguration - **********                                                 |___/  **********
2017-05-18 10:08:11.024 [INFO ] c.d.r.config.BaseBatchConfiguration - ********** Property                     Value                     **********
2017-05-18 10:08:11.024 [INFO ] c.d.r.config.BaseBatchConfiguration - ********** ---------------------------  ------------------------- **********
2017-05-18 10:08:11.024 [INFO ] c.d.r.config.BaseBatchConfiguration - ********** this.profile                 <profile>                 **********
2017-05-18 10:08:11.024 [INFO ] c.d.r.config.BaseBatchConfiguration - ********** files.encrypted              false                     **********
2017-05-18 10:08:11.025 [INFO ] c.d.r.config.BaseBatchConfiguration - ****************************************************************************
2017-05-18 10:08:11.363 [INFO ] c.d.r.r.BatchApplication - Calling step1() for the job
2017-05-18 10:08:11.394 [INFO ] c.d.r.r.BatchApplication - Calling step2() for the job
2017-05-18 10:08:11.404 [INFO ] c.d.r.r.BatchApplication - Calling job() to begin the job
2017-05-18 10:08:11.553 [INFO ] o.s.b.a.b.JobLauncherCommandLineRunner - Running default command line with: [--spring.output.ansi.enabled=always, --spring.profiles.active=<profile>]
2017-05-18 10:08:11.772 [INFO ] o.s.b.c.r.s.JobRepositoryFactoryBean - No database type set, using meta data indicating: MYSQL
2017-05-18 10:08:11.857 [INFO ] o.s.b.c.l.support.SimpleJobLauncher - No TaskExecutor has been set, defaulting to synchronous executor.
2017-05-18 10:08:12.232 [INFO ] o.s.b.c.l.support.SimpleJobLauncher - Job: [FlowJob: [name=job]] launched with the following parameters: [{run.id=1, -spring.output.ansi.enabled=always, -spring.profiles.active=<profile>}]
2017-05-18 10:08:12.310 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - **********************************************************************************************************************
2017-05-18 10:08:12.313 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                <APPLICATION_NAME>                                 *****
2017-05-18 10:08:12.313 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                       JOB job STARTING                                        *****
2017-05-18 10:08:12.313 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                            BEGIN JOB PARAMETERS                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:12.314 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - ***** Key:                                     Value:                                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:12.314 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - ***** ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- *****
2017-05-18 10:08:12.315 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - ***** run.id                                   1                                                                 *****
2017-05-18 10:08:12.315 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - ***** -spring.output.ansi.enabled              always                                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:12.315 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - ***** -spring.profiles.active                  <profile>                                                               *****
2017-05-18 10:08:12.315 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                                                                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:12.316 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - **********************************************************************************************************************
2017-05-18 10:08:13.055 [INFO ] o.s.b.core.job.SimpleStepHandler - Executing step: [step1]
2017-05-18 10:08:13.201 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - **********************************************************************************************************************
2017-05-18 10:08:13.202 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                                                                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:13.202 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                STEP step1 STARTING                                *****
2017-05-18 10:08:13.203 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                           BEGIN STEP PARAMETERS                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:13.203 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                                                                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:13.203 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - **********************************************************************************************************************
2017-05-18 10:08:13.539 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - **********************************************************************************************************************
2017-05-18 10:08:13.539 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                                                                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:13.540 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                   Step step1 FINISHED with status of COMPLETED                    *****
2017-05-18 10:08:13.540 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - ***** Records    Read:  2                                                                                        *****
2017-05-18 10:08:13.540 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - ***** Records Written:  2                                                                                        *****
2017-05-18 10:08:13.540 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - ***** Records Skipped:  0                                                                                        *****
2017-05-18 10:08:13.541 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                                                                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:13.541 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - **********************************************************************************************************************
2017-05-18 10:08:13.969 [INFO ] o.s.b.core.job.SimpleStepHandler - Executing step: [step2]
2017-05-18 10:08:14.025 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - **********************************************************************************************************************
2017-05-18 10:08:14.026 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                                                                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:14.026 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                      STEP step2 STARTING                                       *****
2017-05-18 10:08:14.026 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                           BEGIN STEP PARAMETERS                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:14.026 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                                                                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:14.026 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - **********************************************************************************************************************
2017-05-18 10:08:14.598 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - **********************************************************************************************************************
2017-05-18 10:08:14.598 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                                                                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:14.599 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                          Step step2 FINISHED with status of COMPLETED                          *****
2017-05-18 10:08:14.599 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - ***** Records    Read:  3                                                                                        *****
2017-05-18 10:08:14.599 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - ***** Records Written:  3                                                                                        *****
2017-05-18 10:08:14.599 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - ***** Records Skipped:  0                                                                                        *****
2017-05-18 10:08:14.599 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                                                                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:14.599 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - **********************************************************************************************************************
2017-05-18 10:08:14.969 [INFO ] o.s.b.core.job.SimpleStepHandler - Executing step: [encrypt]
2017-05-18 10:08:15.101 [INFO ] c.d.r.encryption.EncryptionTasklet - Output file is: <output_file>
2017-05-18 10:08:15.101 [DEBUG] c.d.r.encryption.EncryptionTasklet - Configuration value for files.encrypted property: FALSE
2017-05-18 10:08:15.101 [INFO ] c.d.r.encryption.EncryptionTasklet - Output file is not to be Encrypted
2017-05-18 10:08:15.411 [INFO ] o.s.b.core.job.SimpleStepHandler - Duplicate step [step2] detected in execution of job=[job]. If either step fails, both will be executed again on restart.
2017-05-18 10:08:15.531 [INFO ] o.s.b.core.job.SimpleStepHandler - Executing step: [step2]
2017-05-18 10:08:15.580 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - **********************************************************************************************************************
2017-05-18 10:08:15.580 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                                                                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:15.580 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                      STEP step2 STARTING                                       *****
2017-05-18 10:08:15.580 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                           BEGIN STEP PARAMETERS                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:15.581 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                                                                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:15.581 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - **********************************************************************************************************************
2017-05-18 10:08:19.610 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - **********************************************************************************************************************
2017-05-18 10:08:19.610 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                                                                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:19.610 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                          Step step2 FINISHED with status of COMPLETED                          *****
2017-05-18 10:08:19.610 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - ***** Records    Read:  3                                                                                        *****
2017-05-18 10:08:19.610 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - ***** Records Written:  3                                                                                        *****
2017-05-18 10:08:19.610 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - ***** Records Skipped:  0                                                                                        *****
2017-05-18 10:08:19.611 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                                                                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:19.611 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - **********************************************************************************************************************
2017-05-18 10:08:19.945 [INFO ] o.s.b.core.job.SimpleStepHandler - Duplicate step [encrypt] detected in execution of job=[job]. If either step fails, both will be executed again on restart.
2017-05-18 10:08:20.067 [INFO ] o.s.b.core.job.SimpleStepHandler - Executing step: [encrypt]
2017-05-18 10:08:20.209 [INFO ] c.d.r.encryption.EncryptionTasklet - Output file is: <output_file>
2017-05-18 10:08:20.210 [DEBUG] c.d.r.encryption.EncryptionTasklet - Configuration value for files.encrypted property: FALSE
2017-05-18 10:08:20.210 [INFO ] c.d.r.encryption.EncryptionTasklet - Output file is not to be Encrypted
2017-05-18 10:08:20.393 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - **********************************************************************************************************************
2017-05-18 10:08:20.394 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                R E T U R N   M A I L   P R O C E S S I N G                                 *****
2017-05-18 10:08:20.394 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                            JOB job FINISHED with status of FAILED                             *****
2017-05-18 10:08:20.394 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - *****                                                                                                            *****
2017-05-18 10:08:20.394 [INFO ] c.d.rmp.listeners.SimpleJobListener - **********************************************************************************************************************
2017-05-18 10:08:20.451 [INFO ] o.s.b.c.l.support.SimpleJobLauncher - Job: [FlowJob: [name=job]] completed with the following parameters: [{run.id=1, -spring.output.ansi.enabled=always, -spring.profiles.active=<profile>}] and the following status: [FAILED]
2017-05-18 10:08:20.453 [INFO ] c.d.r.r.BatchApplication - Started BatchApplication in 10.385 seconds (JVM running for 11.111)
2017-05-18 10:08:20.454 [INFO ] o.s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext - Closing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@163e4e87: startup date [Thu May 18 10:08:10 CDT 2017]; root of context hierarchy


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

经过大量调试并阅读Spring Batch的文档后,我发现如果要重复步骤,则必须指定在作业流程中重复的所有步骤,以使作业的状态为COMPLETED。


return jobBuilderFactory.get("job")
    .incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Flow syncStrategyFlow = new FlowBuilder<Flow>("syncStrategyFlow")
            .start(componentsHolder.syncFlowDecider) -- one of the decider is responsible for determining if flow should continue
                    .to(componentsHolder.deltaFilterTypeDecider) -- another decider, in this case its responsible for delegating task to specific step
                            .next(componentsHolder.syncFlowDecider) --call continuation decider
                            .next(componentsHolder.syncFlowDecider) --call continuation decider
                            .next(componentsHolder.syncFlowDecider) --call continuation decider

            .incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())