在C ++中重用strftime

时间:2017-05-18 13:12:52

标签: c++ strftime



using namespace std;

string logFile="/home/shared/c++/time.log";
char timeBuffer[80];

int main()
     struct tm * timeInfo;
     time_t rawtime;

     ofstream vLog(logFile.c_str(), ios_base::app | ios_base::out);
                    time (&rawtime);
                    timeInfo = localtime(&rawtime);
                    strftime(timeBuffer,sizeof(timeBuffer),"%A %d %b %Y %r %Z",timeInfo);
                    string timeNow(timeBuffer);
                    cout << timeNow << " - Start of log." << endl;
                    vLog << timeNow << " - Start of log." << endl;
               // Do a part of the code
                    time (&rawtime);
                    timeInfo = localtime(&rawtime);
                    string timeNow(timeBuffer);
                    cout << " " << timeNow << " - 1st Line of log." << endl;
                    vLog << " " << timeNow << " - 1st Line of log." << endl;
               // Do more code
                    time (&rawtime);
                    timeInfo = localtime(&rawtime);
                    string timeNow(timeBuffer);
                    cout << " " << timeNow << " - 2nd Line of log." << endl;
                    vLog << " " << timeNow << " - 2nd Line of log." << endl;
                // Do the last part of the code
                    time (&rawtime);
                    timeInfo = localtime(&rawtime);
                    strftime(timeBuffer,sizeof(timeBuffer),"%A %d %b %Y %r %Z",timeInfo);
                    string timeNow(timeBuffer);
                    cout << timeNow << " - End of log." << endl;
                    vLog << timeNow << " - End of log." << endl;


time.cpp: In function "int main()":
time.cpp:54:29: error: redeclaration of "std::string timeNow"
    string timeNow(timeBuffer);
time.cpp:45:11: error: "std::string timeNow" previously declared here
    string timeNow(timeBuffer);



由于我是C ++的新手,我觉得我过度使问题复杂化,所以任何指导都会受到赞赏。 我正在运行CentOS 7和g ++(GCC)4.8.5 20150623(Red Hat 4.8.5-11)

此致 琥珀色 - 马里




std::string logFile="/home/shared/c++/time.log";
char timeBuffer[80];
void getTime(std::ofstream &vLog, const std::string &format_args, const std::string &message)
    struct tm * timeInfo;
    time_t rawtime;
    time (&rawtime);
    timeInfo = localtime(&rawtime);
    std::string timeNow(timeBuffer);
    std::cout << timeNow << message << std::endl;
    vLog<< timeNow << message << std::endl;

int main()
    std::ofstream vLog(logFile.c_str(), std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out);
    getTime(vLog, "%A %d %b %Y %r %Z", " - Start of logging");
    // Do part of the code
    getTime(vLog, " %r", " - 1st line of log");
    // Do more code
    getTime(vLog, " %r", " - 2nd line of log");
    // Do the last part of the code
    getTime(vLog, "%A %d %b %Y %r %Z", " - End of logging");
    vLog << std::endl;
    return (0);


琥珀 - 马里

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

编写一个函数来包装你的代码。参数应该是ofstream,strftime格式参数和日志消息(“ - 第一行代码”,..)

void foo(ofstream &vLog, const string &format_args, const string &message)
    struct tm * timeInfo;
    time_t rawtime;

    time (&rawtime);
    timeInfo = localtime(&rawtime);
    string timeNow(timeBuffer);
    cout << timeNow << message << endl;
    vLog<< timeNow << message << endl;

int main()
    ofstream vLog(logFile.c_str(), ios_base::app | ios_base::out);

    foo(vLog, "%A %d %b %Y %r %Z", " - 1st Line of log.");
    // Do a part of the code
    foo(/* second call */);
    // Other stuff
    foo(/* 3rd call */);
    // ...

    return 0;

答案 1 :(得分:0)

问题是你要重新声明变量&#34; timeNow&#34;并调用其构造函数为其赋予&#34; timeBuffer&#34;的值。这与括号一起使用,因为每个括号都是新范围。每次重新声明&#34; timeNow&#34;对于它的所有其他声明是不可见的,因此编译器的部分没有混淆。要摆脱这种情况,请使用赋值而不是尝试重新声明变量。使用timeNow = timeBuffer


string timeNow(timeBuffer);

我尝试了这段代码,它在我的结尾使用g ++:

 int main()
         struct tm * timeInfo;
         time_t rawtime;

         ofstream vLog(logFile.c_str(), ios_base::app | ios_base::out);

                        time (&rawtime);
                        timeInfo = localtime(&rawtime);
                        strftime(timeBuffer,sizeof(timeBuffer),"%A %d %b %Y %r %Z",timeInfo);
                        string timeNow(timeBuffer);
                        cout << timeNow << " - Start of log." << endl;
                        vLog << timeNow << " - Start of log." << endl;

                   // Do a part of the code

                        time (&rawtime);
                        timeInfo = localtime(&rawtime);
                        timeNow = timeBuffer;
                        cout << " " << timeNow << " - 1st Line of log." << endl;
                        vLog << " " << timeNow << " - 1st Line of log." << endl;

                   // Do more code

                        time (&rawtime);
                        timeInfo = localtime(&rawtime);
                        timeNow = timeBuffer;
                        cout << " " << timeNow << " - 2nd Line of log." << endl;
                        vLog << " " << timeNow << " - 2nd Line of log." << endl;

                    // Do the last part of the code

                        time (&rawtime);
                        timeInfo = localtime(&rawtime);
                        strftime(timeBuffer,sizeof(timeBuffer),"%A %d %b %Y %r %Z",timeInfo);
                        timeNow = timeBuffer;
                        cout << timeNow << " - End of log." << endl;
                        vLog << timeNow << " - End of log." << endl;

答案 2 :(得分:0)



std::string formattedCurrentTime(char const *const format) {
    std::time_t const rawTime = std::time(nullptr);
    std::tm const *const timeInfo = std::localtime(&rawTime);

    char buffer[80];
    std::size_t const length = std::strftime(buffer, sizeof buffer, format, timeInfo);

    return {buffer, buffer + length};

然后我们可以看一下日志行的重复。由于整个operator <<重载和多态性业务,一般解决方案实现起来有点棘手,但您的案例看起来足够一致,可以从定制解决方案中受益:

auto const logBookend = [&](std::string const &message) {
    auto const timeNow = formattedCurrentTime("%A %d %b %Y %r %Z");

    std::cout << timeNow << " - " << message << std::endl;
    vLog      << timeNow << " - " << message << std::endl;

auto const logLine = [&](std::string const &message) {
    auto const timeNow = formattedCurrentTime("%r");

    std::cout << timeNow << " - " << message << std::endl;
    vLog      << timeNow << " - " << message << std::endl;

注意:请参阅this question了解为何使用using namespace std;

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